
How to pop a widget when the argument becomes null in a stateful widget?

Let's say the ManageBookingPage widget requires an object called trip as an argument. But this widget has the ability to modify the received argument such that it becomes null (trip = null).

I want this widget to pop out of the tree automatically when trip becomes null. What would be the best approach in achieving this?

class ManageBookingPage extends StatefulWidget {
  const ManageBookingPage({
    required this.trip,

  final BusTrip trip;

  State<ManageBookingPage> createState() => _ManageBookingPageState();

class _ManageBookingPageState extends State<ManageBookingPage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SizedBox(
      child: Text(widget.trip.date.toString()),


  • Solution

    The solution I settled on:

    class ManageBookingPage extends StatefulWidget {
      const ManageBookingPage({
        required this.trip,
      final BusTrip? trip;
      State<ManageBookingPage> createState() => _ManageBookingPageState();
    class _ManageBookingPageState extends State<ManageBookingPage> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        BusTrip? widgetTrip = widget.trip;
        if (widgetTrip != null) {
          String date = widget.trip.date.toString(); 
          return SizedBox(
           child: Text(date),
        } else {
          return Builder(
            builder: (context) {
              return const SizedBox();