I'd like to be able to spin up two websites.
I have changed my app.yaml, and the first one is spinning up correctly under site1-service.
But I need two different custom domains for this, so I can get the managed SSL cert(s).
When I add another custom domain, I can't choose a service.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
When you add a custom domain, the UI doesn't have a field to select a service.
You need to use dispatch.yaml to route traffic to different services e.g
# send all example.com requests to default service.
- url: "example.com/"
service: default
# Send all example2.com to second service.
- url: "example2.com"
service: second
Note: Haven't tried this for 2 different domains; have only tried it for a domain and a sub-domain i.e. example.com, app.example.com but I believe it's the same principle and should work