
turf.centerOfMass for multiple polygons in Feature Collection

I am having trouble with getting the data for turf.centerOfMass() correct.

I have a featureCollection which can have multiple polygons added to it.

var polygonlines = [];
//add to polygons etc..
    if (polygonlines.length >= 4) {
                    var feature =
                        "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [polygonlines] }
    var featCollection = {
        type: 'FeatureCollection',
        features: features

I want to calculate the centroid, center and the centerOfMass.

var centroid = turf.centroid(featCollection); //WORKS CORRECTLY
var centre =; //WORKS CORRECTLY

var centreofMass = turf.centerOfMass(featCollection);  //FAILS

The centerOfMass calculation fails and give me the error: "Uncaught TypeError TypeError: Qt is not a constructor"

The only way i can get centerOfMass to not fail is to list an individual polygon from the featcollection... but this is not what i want, i want the center for multiple polygons. The turf documentation says centerOfMass can take a FeatureCollection, centre and centroid do and they work fine...

How do I get it to get the centerOfMass for multiple polygons?

Thank you very much


  • Upgrade to leaflet version 7.0 seemed to fix the problem