
Terraform resource group name for the creation of alerts for azure front door

Implementing an alert through terraform for the azure frontdoor status.

having an example for the virtual machines

  name                = "resource_health_alert"
  description         = "Resource Health Alerts"
  resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
  scopes              = [var.scope]
  criteria {
    resource_id    = var.resource_id
    category       = "ResourceHealth"
    resource_type  = "microsoft.compute/Virtual machines" 
    resource_group = ""
    resource_health {
         current = ["Degraded","Unavailable","Unknown"]
         previous = ["Available"]
         reason = ["PlatformInitiated","UserInitiated","Unknown"]
  action {
    action_group_id = var.action_group_id
  tags = var.tags

but looking for the front door proper resource type to trigger an alerts


  • Creating the alerts for azure front door using terraform

    Since the configuration has nothing to match with the required as it requirement relates with Azure frond door but not virtual machines.

    As @VenkatV mentioned Need to make some changes respect to resource type and parameters inside resource health as mentioned below to achieve this requirement.


    resource "azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert" "res-7" {
      name                = "Frontdoorstatusalert1"
      resource_group_name = "vinay-webapp"
      location            = "Global "
      scopes              = ["/subscriptions/Sub_ID"]
      action {
        action_group_id = "/subscriptions/Sub_ID/resourcegroups/vinay-webapp/providers/microsoft.insights/actiongroups/application insights smart detection"
      criteria {
        category        = "ResourceHealth"
        resource_groups = ["vinay-webapp"]
        resource_ids    = ["/subscriptions/Sub_ID/resourceGroups/vinay-webapp/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/vinayfrontdoor"]
        resource_types  = ["Microsoft.Cdn/profiles"]
        resource_health {
             current = ["Degraded","Unavailable","Available"]
             previous = ["Available"]
             reason = ["PlatformInitiated","UserInitiated","Unknown"]  


    enter image description here


    azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert | Resources | hashicorp/azurerm | Terraform | Terraform Registry