
AWS EC2 Spring Boot Deployment - SSL/HTTPS Error after Configuring Route 53, ACM, and GoDaddy

I have deployed a Spring Boot application on an AWS EC2 instance, and I’m trying to access it via a custom domain I purchased from GoDaddy. However, I am encountering an issue when trying to connect via HTTPS.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. EC2 Setup: I’ve successfully deployed my Spring Boot application on an EC2 instance. The application works fine when I access it directly via the public IP over HTTP.

  2. Domain and DNS Configuration:

  1. SSL/ACM Configuration:
  1. Security Groups:

I expected my application to be accessible via HTTPS, but when I try to access my application using the domain (e.g., in Postman or a browser, I get the following error in Postman:

Copy code Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:


  • You have created an SSL certificate in ACM, but you haven't attached that SSL certificate to anything. Just creating an SSL certificate doesn't magically make SSL work for that domain. You have to actually configure the servers to serve the SSL certificate.

    Unfortunately, since you are pointing your domain directly to an EC2 server, you can't use the SSL certificates provided by AWS ACM at all. The certificates provided by ACM are only usable with AWS load balancers, CloudFront distributions, and AWS API Gateways.

    If you want to continue with your current infrastructure, without adding one of those AWS services in front of your EC2 server, then you will have to obtain an SSL certificate in some other way, like through Let's Encrypt. Once you obtain that SSL certificate, you will have to configure Spring Boot to listen on port 443 and serve that certificate.