
Are there any Pine script alternatives now?

I've been using Pine Script on TradingView to develop custom trading indicators, but I'm looking to explore other options. I'm particularly interested in languages and platforms that might offer more flexibility, better performance, or access to different markets. Some specific questions I have:

I'm aware of a few options like Indie scripting language, ThinkScript, NinjaScript, and MetaQuotes Language (MQL), but I'm not sure how they stack up against Pine Script or each other. I've also heard that some traders use Python or even C++ for developing indicators. I'd appreciate insights from experienced traders and developers who have worked with multiple platforms and languages. What has been your experience with different tools for indicator development? Are there any particular strengths or weaknesses of certain languages or platforms that I should be aware of?

I've been using Pine Script on TradingView for about a year now, primarily developing momentum and trend-following indicators. While Pine Script has been great for getting started, I've run into a few limitations:

Given these experiences, I'm looking for alternatives that might offer better performance for complex calculations, more flexibility for advanced analytics, robust backtesting capabilities, and easier


  • Indie by the team is probably the best for beginners and for those who aren't satisfied with Pine Script, like me. Two years of dealing with complicated Pine scripts have completely worn me out. The code is terribly unstructured - I wouldn't recommend it to newcomers. The Pine community on Reddit is very small and not very active