I am creating a threadpool by using "https://github.com/alugowski/task-thread-pool/" and calling task using submit function but getting error
int Model::sum(int a, int b)
return 1;
void Model::SubscribeMLStatusCallBackFn(const MLStatusReceiveCallbackFn& statusCallback)
m_MLStatusCallback = statusCallback;
task_thread_pool::task_thread_pool pool;
std::future<int> sum_future = pool.submit(&sum, 1, 2);
Error :No instance of function template matches the argument list, argument types are: (std::string, CommandLineArgumentTypes)
But same working on
std::future<int> sum_future = pool.submit([] { return 1; });
Can someone tell me what error I am doing in calling submit using &sum function
What you can try to invoke the sum method is passing both the function and the instance of the class, and further binding the member function to the object.
std::future<int> sum_future = pool.submit(std::bind(&Model::sum, this, 1, 2));