
Find a particular tag within XML file in Python using xml.etree.ElementTree as ET with method root.find() - does not work as doc describe

I have an XML file "bib_full-001664.xml" and want to find element: <issn pub-type="ppub">2544-1558</issn>

My XML file:

<OAI-PMH xmlns=""     xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<request identifier="" metadataPrefix="jats" verb="GetRecord"></request>
<article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" article-type="research-article">
<journal-title>Medical Science Pulse</journal-title>
<issn pub-type="ppub">2544-1558</issn>
<issn pub-type="epub">2544-1620</issn>
[...] rest of file cutted - too much

I am using code in Python:

tree = ET.parse("bib_full-001664.xml")
xml_data = tree.getroot()
issn_find = xml_data.find("issn")

and issn_find is None - can anybody help me?

I can extract this info using the code:

front = xml_data.findall('*')[2][0][1][0][0]
journal_meta = front[0]
lista = [el for el in journal_meta]
journal_title = lista[0][0].text
journal_issn = lista[1].text

But this is hard way - I have to look at XML file and count each tag and level .... I did not worked with xml module before - this is my first time. So please, be understanding for me....


  • If you don't know about XML namespaces, then I can understand your frustration. The XML document is also a little unusual since the important namespace is not declared on the root element.

    Many similar questions have been asked before (for example Empty list returned from ElementTree findall), and I won't go into details about namespaces.

    There are two problems with issn_find = xml_data.find("issn"):

    1. issn is not a direct child of the root element. It is deeper down in the hierarchy. To search all descendants, use .//.
    2. issn is bound a namespace, but this is not taken into account.

    The wanted issn element is bound to the namespace (declared on the article element). The following code works (it finds the first issn element):

    issn_find = xml_data.find(".//{}issn")

    It is also possible to use a namespace wildcard:

    issn_find = xml_data.find(".//{*}issn")