
Execute shell script before UI Test for iOS app starts

I have UI test (for an iOS app) that opens iOS photo gallery and taps on specific image. I want to have custom script that will copy this image to simulator's photo gallery at the beginning of the test of even right before it will start.

I have sh script that works when I manually run it after simulator is launched, but I want it to be executed during test run on Xcode Cloud.

This is script code


# Get the UDID of the simulator (adjust for your target simulator)
SIMULATOR_UDID=$(xcrun simctl list devices | grep "Booted" | awk -F '[()]' '{print $2}')

# Path to the image

# Add the image to the simulator gallery
xcrun simctl addmedia $SIMULATOR_UDID $IMAGE_PATH

I already tried to add it to pre-test actions for Test Scheme and to Build Phases of UI test target - no luck, I even wasn't able to find logs related to this script execution.


  • Try this script code:

    # Ensure the script logs output for debugging
    set -x
    # Path to the image (adjust if necessary)
    # Get the UDID from environment variable
    # Wait until the simulator is booted
    boot_status=$(xcrun simctl bootstatus "$SIMULATOR_UDID" -b)
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
      echo "Simulator failed to boot"
      exit 1
    # Add the image to the simulator gallery
    xcrun simctl addmedia "$SIMULATOR_UDID" "$IMAGE_PATH"

    Steps to Implement



    Image Path

    Simulator Boot

    When running on Xcode Cloud, make sure that your image file is included in the build artifacts or accessible at the specified path.