I am a beginner, and I have a programming-related question:
I have an array mit values for markers, which I want to present an a map. The market is shown, so no problem.
But: I don't arrive in using my values for the marker, as for example the tint-color. I know how to get the value "coordinates" (by using n.coordinate), but the name (which is a String) or the tint (which is a Color) does not work, I simply don't know how to reference it (n.name doesn't work).
import SwiftUI
import MapKit
struct MyLocationsArray: Identifiable { // MyLocationArray: Alle Locations sind in diesem Array erfasst
let id = UUID()
let number: Int // lfd. Nummer der eigenen Locations: 1, 2,3,4, ...
let category: Int // Kategorie-Nr.: Historisches, Strände, etc.
let name: String // Name der Location: "A-name"
let label: String // abgekürzter Name unter dem Marker: "A-Label"
let systemimage: String // Systemsymbol im Marker: "bird"
let tint: Color // Farbe des Markers: .yellow, .green, .blue
let coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D // Koordinaten der Location
let freeInt: Int // noch nicht belegt (Int) (default: 0)
let freeString: String // noch nicht belegt (String) (default: "")
struct ContentView: View {
let marker = [
MyLocationsArray(number: 1, category: 1, name: "A-Name", label: "A-Label", systemimage: "bird", tint: .orange, coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 42.2926854029081, longitude: -71.0679634411345), freeInt: 0, freeString: ""),
MyLocationsArray(number: 1, category: 1, name: "B-Name", label: "B-Label", systemimage: "bird", tint: .red, coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 42.2926854029081, longitude: -71.0679634411345), freeInt: 0, freeString: "")
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, World!")
Map {
ForEach(marker) { n in
Marker("", coordinate: n.coordinates) // ""** should be "label"**
.tint(.yellow) // **".yellow" should be individual **(see "let marker ...")
} // ForEach
#Preview {
I tried to find help by reading all about arrays at stack overflow an google, but for a beginner I didn't find anything.
Note: You had an extra )
at the end of the code which gave an error.
If you know how to get the coordinates for a marker, then you know how to get any other property of the marker. To keep things clearer, it's best to use descriptive naming for variables, including the appropriate use of singular and plural.
For example, in your code:
objects should be named markers
, rather than marker
, since it holds multiple objects that will eventually be markers on the map.ForEach
will loop over markers
and the closure parameter should be marker
instead of n
. So you will have:ForEach(markers) { marker in
... which makes everything much clearer for all:
ForEach(markers) { marker in
Marker(marker.name, systemImage: marker.icon, coordinate: marker.coordinates)
(note the capital I), that can be added as a parameter to map (I renamed it to icon
, just to make it simpler).The full code below includes all these changes:
import SwiftUI
import MapKit
struct MyLocationsArray: Identifiable { // MyLocationArray: Alle Locations sind in diesem Array erfasst
let id = UUID()
let number: Int // lfd. Nummer der eigenen Locations: 1, 2,3,4, ...
let category: Int // Kategorie-Nr.: Historisches, Strände, etc.
let name: String // Name der Location: "A-name"
let label: String // abgekürzter Name unter dem Marker: "A-Label"
let icon: String // Systemsymbol im Marker: "bird"
let tint: Color // Farbe des Markers: .yellow, .green, .blue
let coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D // Koordinaten der Location
let freeInt: Int // noch nicht belegt (Int) (default: 0)
let freeString: String // noch nicht belegt (String) (default: "")
struct MyLocationsContentView: View {
let markers = [ // <- for convenience, use plural for an array of objects
MyLocationsArray(number: 1, category: 1, name: "A-Name", label: "A-Label", icon: "bird", tint: .orange, coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 42.2926854029081, longitude: -71.0679634411345), freeInt: 0, freeString: ""),
MyLocationsArray(number: 1, category: 1, name: "B-Name", label: "B-Label", icon: "tortoise", tint: .red, coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 42.2936854029081, longitude: -71.0679634411345), freeInt: 0, freeString: "") // <- your two markers had the same coordinates - changed the second one to be in a slightly different location so both can be visible
var body: some View {
Text("MapKit Mastery") // <- for amusement, use a funny title
Map {
ForEach(markers) { marker in // <- for convenience, use singular to reference a single object in the array
Marker(marker.name, systemImage: marker.icon, coordinate: marker.coordinates) // <- can also be marker.label
.tint(marker.tint) // <- use the .tint property of the marker for the .tint modifier parameter
} // ForEach
#Preview {
Finally, I see you have a category property for your marker object. If later you will want to show markers based on category or based on a selected category, maybe this answer will be helpful.