I would like to build a server that spawns a separate thread each for reading from and writing to a tungstenite-rs WebSocket connection, but the WebSocket object does not seem to implement clone()
or try_clone()
or have a split()
method to be able to pass (a copy of) the connection into each thread. Am I missing something or does tungstenite just not support this approach? I know I can just use one of the async versions of tungstenite instead, but I would like to avoid that if I can.
Basically, can something like this somehow be made to work?
// Accept one connection at
let mut ws_cxn = tungstenite::accept(TcpListener::bind("")?.accept()?.0).unwrap();
// Spawn read thread to log messages
thread::spawn(move || loop {
if let Ok(Message::Text(msg)) = ws_cxn.read() {
println!("Received '{}'!", msg);
// Spawn write thread to send tick message every second
thread::spawn(move || loop { // ERROR HERE: use of moved value: `ws_cxn`...
Check this anwser on github:
Shall it be explicitly documented that such arrangement is not supported by Tungstenite?
We could include that, but I just did not want other people be confused by the full-duplex blocking connection as actually the "full-duplex blocking part" is strictly speaking not part of the library, the libraries which do allow this just implement some sort of a runtime inside of them, we don't do it in tungstenite-rs, only providing the WebSocket-related logic, so the runtime is up to the user.