
Issue installing Docker Desktop 4.17.0 on an Azure VM

I am installing Docker Desktop 4.17.0 on an Azure Virtual Machine. As part of one of the prerequisites, I am setting up WSL2.

But it fails with the following error:

Installing: Ubuntu
Ubuntu has been installed.
Launching Ubuntu...
Installing, this may take a few minutes...
WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80370102
Please enable the Virtual Machine Platform Windows feature and ensure virtualization is enabled in the BIOS.
For information please visit
Press any key to continue...
The installation process for distribution 'Ubuntu' failed with exit code: 1.
Error code: Wsl/InstallDistro/WSL_E_INSTALL_PROCESS_FAILED
PS C:\Windows\system32>

Following the link for enabling virtualization, there is a CmdLet Set-VMProcessor -VMName -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true which is not available on the VM where I am installing Docker. Is this CmdLet something that can be installed separately, or is this inherently an Administrative restriction during the VM provisioning process.


  • I have used Docker inside an Azure Virtual Machines for many years, but there is one gotach tha can give you trouble. My two tips to get Docker installed are:

    1. Ensure that the VM SKU size supports virtualization, and I usually use Standard_D2s_v3 or Standard_D2s_v4.

    2. Ensure you do not enable Trusted Launch Virtual Machines because this feature disables virtualization inside the VM.

    I blogged about the details about how to get Docker to run in Azure here: