
Docx4j convert HTML with two or more CSS classes

I see that in my HTML to Docx code, I can only use ONE CSS class per p tag? How can I have attributes of two or more CSS applied.

Sample HTML code

        .txcenter {
            text-align: center;

        .txred {
            color: red;
    <p class="txred txcenter">My Text</p>

Then only the txred class applied. The word "My Text" turn red in Word document, but not align center. And if I define class txcenter before txred, "My Text" is aligned center in Word but the color stays black.

This is my Java code, variable htmlContent is the HTML string:

    WordprocessingMLPackage wordPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
    wordPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addAltChunk(AltChunkType.Xhtml, htmlContent.getBytes()); File(MY_FILE_PATH));


  • If you merely add an altChunk like that, you are relying on Word to convert it to docx content on opening (which it apparently does badly in this case).

    docx4j-ImportXHTML can convert it for you, if you add that to your classpath and invoke wordPackage.getMainDocumentPart().convertAltChunks()