For the life of me I cannot figure out what permissions combinations sendCommand
needs to be able to send a Run Command targetting Resource Groups.
I am trying to least-privilege only allowing a certain document but to all ec2
instance in a resouceGroup.
ssmSenderlambdaRole.addToPolicy(new PolicyStatement({
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
actions: ['ssm:SendCommand'],
resources: [
ssmSenderlambdaRole.addToPolicy(new PolicyStatement({
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
actions: ['resource-groups:*'],
resources: ['*'],
Some days you just wanna yell at AWS
In order to target resource groups you also need to have ["tag:GetResources"]
ssmSenderlambdaRole.addToPolicy(new PolicyStatement({
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
actions: ["resource-groups:ListResourceTypes",
resources: [rgWindowsArn, rgLinuxArn],
ssmSenderlambdaRole.addToPolicy(new PolicyStatement({
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
actions: ["tag:GetResources"],
resources: ["*"]