I write a simple function in javascript to parse an IP address string and returns an array of integers that represents four octets:
function parseIP(str) {
octets = str.split('.');
return octets.map(parseInt);
To my surprise, the function returns [0, Nan, 0, 0]
instead of [0, 0, 0, 0]
. Any idea why it behaves this way?
That is a tricky one.
parseInt takes two parameters, the item and the radix (the number system - 2 for binary, 10 for decimal, 16 for hexadecimal). Your map is feeding it (item,index), because that is how map works
so you get
parseInt("0",0); // it seems to default to base 10 but according to the standard it SHOULD return NaN too (a. If R < 2 or R > 36, return NaN.)
parseInt("0",1); // base 1 NaN because invalid radix since we do not use a "unary" system
parseInt("0",2); // base 2 binary 0 OK
parseInt("0",3); // base 3 ternary or trinary 0 OK.
To fix and be sure, use the radix of 10
const parseIP = (str) => {
let octets = str.split('.'); // use let, var or const to not pollute the global scope
return octets.map(str => parseInt(str,10));
// or use the unary (not the same as te unary number system) plus operator
const parseIP1 = (str) => {
let octets = str.split('.'); // use let, var or const to not pollute the global scope
return octets.map(str => +str);
// useful for IP string comparing:
const padIP = (str) => {
let octets = str.split('.'); // use let, var or const to not pollute the global scope
return octets.map(str => str.trim().padStart(3,'0')).join('.');