In SwiftUI how to to alternate between 2 menu items, when holding down the Options key
like when you open a Finder File menu and press down the Options key, some items alternate
sadly my approach still shows both options
Button("Alternative option") {
.keyboardShortcut(KeyEquivalent("i"), modifiers: [.command, .option])
Button("Regular option") {
.keyboardShortcut(KeyEquivalent("i"), modifiers: [.command])
I just found this modifierkeyalternate
might be just what you're looking for take a look at the Apple sample code.
// File
// Save
Button("Save", ...) // ⌘ S
.modifierKeyAlternate(.option) {
Button("Save All", ...) // ⌥⌘ S
Answer shortened to The above does the trick.