Can`t build project on IOS.
Cannot find type 'RCTEventDispatcher' in scope
React-native v0.73.6 + react-native-video ^6.5.0
import AVFoundation
import AVKit
import Foundation
import GoogleInteractiveMediaAds
import React
// MARK: - RCTVideo
class RCTVideo: UIView, RCTVideoPlayerViewControllerDelegate, RCTPlayerObserverHandler {
private var _player: AVPlayer?
private var _playerItem: AVPlayerItem?
private var _source: VideoSource?
private var _playerLayer: AVPlayerLayer?
private var _chapters: [Chapter]?
private var _playerViewController: RCTVideoPlayerViewController?
private var _videoURL: NSURL?
private var _localSourceEncryptionKeyScheme: String?
/* Required to publish events */
private var _eventDispatcher: RCTEventDispatcher?
private var _videoLoadStarted = false
init(eventDispatcher: RCTEventDispatcher!) {
super.init(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
ReactNativeVideoManager.shared.registerView(newInstance: self)
_imaAdsManager = RCTIMAAdsManager(video: self, pipEnabled: isPipEnabled)
_eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher
#if os(iOS)
if _pictureInPictureEnabled {
_playerViewController?.allowsPictureInPicturePlayback = true
} else {
_playerViewController?.allowsPictureInPicturePlayback = false
pods reinstall doesnt work I have googled and all methods described in next issues dont work: error: expected a type - eventDispatcher:(nonnull RCTEventDispatcher *)eventDispatcher; AND 'Undefined symbol' errors during iOS build
This worked for me:
First, update react-native from version 0.73.6 to 0.75.3.
Then, run the command in the iOS folder:
pod update hermes-engine --no-repo-update
Related question: Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RCTVideo" was not found in the UIManager