Running into a weird error where I get a 400
error from cloud-flare when calling the completions API from GCP Cloud Run. The error doesn't occur locally for identical requests.
The error response:
<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
The request:
{"model":"gpt-4-turbo","messages":[{"role":"system","content":"Using the notes provided, write a summary of the critical information from the notes.\nThe summary should be in dotpoints. Prioritise the dotpoints by importance."},{"role":"user","content":" Use only the following information to generate the summary:\n There are the following notes about the contact:\n Note Content: \"Test\"\nNote Created At: 2024-09-26T07:08:04.304501Z\nNote is in the context of: Just the contact in the role of Unknown \nNote type: Manual"}]}
Nothing obvious in the headers.
Has anyone run into anything similar. Wondering if its some kind of IP blocking by cloudflare or similar.
So we managed to solve this by switching from using the OkHttp
java client, to using the Java 17 core library client.
I suspect there is more to it then that (some configuration on the two clients) but we weren't able to find it at this time.