
Boost.Voronoi generates incorrect Voronoi cells with floating-point input in C++

I'm working with experimental data representing head positions of pedestrians in meters within a room. My goal is to generate Voronoi cells in C++ that surround each pedestrian, allowing me to calculate the areas of these cells. However, after generating the Voronoi cells using Boost.Voronoi and plotting them, I found that the cells are incorrectly drawnthe points are not properly separated into individual cells as expected.

I came across a note in the Boost.Voronoi documentation that the input coordinates are, by default, expected to be integers. To work with real-world coordinates, I defined my custom point type that allows the use of floating-point values.

Below is the code I used to generate the Voronoi diagram and output the data in textual form. This code compiles with g++-13, but clang-tidy raises an error during the construction of segments:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <format>

#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/point_data.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi_diagram.hpp>

using namespace std;

struct Position
    using coordinate_type = double;

    coordinate_type x, y;

using coordinate_type = Position::coordinate_type;
using segment_type = boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type>;
using VoronoiDiagram = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type>;

/// settings necessarily for boost to be able to use Position as points:
template <>
struct boost::polygon::geometry_concept<Position> { typedef point_concept type; };

template <>
struct boost::polygon::point_traits<Position>
    using coordinate_type = ::coordinate_type;

    static inline coordinate_type get(const Position& point, boost::polygon::orientation_2d orient)
        return (orient == boost::polygon::HORIZONTAL) ? point.x : point.y;
using polygonF = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Position, /*ClockWise=*/false, /*Closed=*/false>;

/// settings required to use boost::geometry::area(polygonF):
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits {

template <>
struct tag<Position> {
    using type = point_tag;

template <>
struct coordinate_type<Position> {
    using type = Position::coordinate_type;

template <>
struct coordinate_system<Position> {
    using type = cs::cartesian;

template <>
struct dimension<Position> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {};

template <>
struct access<Position, 0> {
    static double get(const Position& p) { return p.x; }
    static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.x = value; }

template <>
struct access<Position, 1> {
    static double get(const Position& p) { return p.y; }
    static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.y = value; }
}}} // namespace boost::geometry::traits

polygonF verticesOfCell(const VoronoiDiagram::cell_type& voronoiCell)
    polygonF polygon;

    const auto* edge = voronoiCell.incident_edge();
    do {
        if (!edge)

        if (edge->is_primary())
            if (edge->is_finite())
                auto v0 = edge->vertex0();
                auto v1 = edge->vertex1();
                polygon.outer().emplace_back(v0->x(), v0->y());
                polygon.outer().emplace_back(v1->x(), v1->y());
        edge = edge->next();
    } while (edge != voronoiCell.incident_edge());

    return polygon;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //////////////// configuration points and segments:
    std::vector<Position> positions
        = {Position{0.476191, -0.952381},  Position{-0, -0.952381},
           Position{-0.476191, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -1.42857},
           Position{-0.952381, -1.42857},  Position{-1.90476, -0.952381},
           Position{-1.42857, -1.42857},   Position{-1.90476, -1.42857},
           Position{-2.38095, -1.90476},   Position{-1.42857, -2.38095},
           Position{-1.42857, -1.90476},   Position{-0.952381, -2.85714},
           Position{-0.952381, -3.33333},  Position{-0, -3.80952},
           Position{0.952381, -4.28571},   Position{0.476191, -4.28571},
           Position{0.476191, -3.80952},   Position{0.952381, -3.33333},
           Position{0.476191, -3.33333},   Position{-0, -2.38095},
           Position{0.476191, -2.38095},   Position{0.952381, -1.90476},
           Position{0.476191, -1.90476},   Position{-0, -1.90476},
           Position{0.476191, -0.476191},  Position{-0.952381, -0.952381},
           Position{0.476191, -1.42857},   Position{-0.476191, -2.38095},
           Position{-0.952381, -2.38095},  Position{-2.38095, -2.85714},
           Position{-1.90476, -3.33333},   Position{-1.42857, -3.33333},
           Position{-0, -2.85714},         Position{-0.476191, -2.85714},
           Position{-0, -3.33333},         Position{-0, -4.76191},
           Position{0.952381, -2.38095},   Position{0.952381, -2.85714},
           Position{0.476191, -2.85714},   Position{-0.476191, -1.90476},
           Position{0.952381, -3.80952},   Position{1.42857, -2.85714},
           Position{1.90476, -2.38095},    Position{0.952381, -4.76191},
           Position{-0.476191, -5.2381},   Position{0.476191, -5.2381},
           Position{1.90476, -3.33333},    Position{-2.85714, -2.38095},
           Position{-2.38095, -1.42857},   Position{-2.38095, -0.952381},
           Position{-1.42857, -2.85714},   Position{-1.90476, -1.90476},
           Position{1.42857, -1.90476},    Position{2.38095, -2.85714},
           Position{2.38095, -1.42857},    Position{2.38095, -0.952381},
           Position{1.90476, -1.42857},    Position{2.38095, -1.90476},
           Position{-1.90476, -2.38095},   Position{0.952381, -0.952381},
           Position{-3.33333, -3.33333},   Position{-3.80952, -2.38095},
           Position{-3.80952, -1.42857},   Position{-3.33333, -1.90476},
           Position{-3.33333, -0.952381},  Position{-0.476191, -4.28571},
           Position{-0, -1.42857},         Position{-0.952381, -1.90476}};

    std::vector<segment_type> segments;
    segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, -5.5)); // for clang can be compile error, for g++ compiles
    segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, 3));
    segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, 3), Position(-6.5, 3));
    segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, 3), Position(-6.5, -5.5));

    //////////////// construction of Voronoi diagram + printing cells
    VoronoiDiagram vd;
    boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(begin(positions), end(positions), begin(segments), end(segments), &vd);

    unsigned int cell_index = 0;
    for (auto it = vd.cells().begin(); it != vd.cells().end(); ++it) {
        if (it->contains_point()) {
            switch (it->source_category())
                case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT:
                    std::size_t index = it->source_index();
                    auto p = positions[index];
                    cout << format("Cell #{} contains a point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p.x, p.y) << endl;
                case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT:
                    std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size();
                    auto p0 = low(segments[index]);
                    cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment start point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y()) << endl;
                case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT:
                    std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size();
                    auto p1 = high(segments[index]);
                    cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment end point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl;

            auto cellPolygon = verticesOfCell(*it);
            if (!cellPolygon.outer().empty()) {
                cout << "\t[vertices:" << cellPolygon.outer().size() << "]";
                if (boost::geometry::is_valid(cellPolygon))
                    cout << "{area:" << boost::geometry::area(cellPolygon) << "}";
                for (int i = 0; i < cellPolygon.outer().size(); ++i) {
                    const auto &p = cellPolygon.outer()[i];
                    cout << "\t(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << "),";
                cout << endl;
        } else {
            std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size();
            auto p0 = low(segments[index]);
            auto p1 = high(segments[index]);
            cout << format("Cell #{} contains a segment: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}) -> ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y(), p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl;

Here is an example of how the Voronoi cells are drawn (as you can see, the edges don't seem to be correctly drawn): enter image description here

Additionally, for comparison, here's how the same data is visualized using scipy.Voronoi in Python (as I understand VOronoi diagrams this is correct code):

image of Python scipy.Voronoi output

Question: How can I correctly generate and visualize Voronoi cells in Boost.Voronoi for floating-point input?

I should also note that Boost provides an example using OpenGL to visualize Voronoi cells, but this example is no longer compatible with Qt6. My intention is to find a proper solution that could also potentially serve as an updated example for the Boost library, replacing the outdated OpenGL approach.


Full C++ code which generates Voronoi diagrams and draws with QT: Full code which generates Voronoi diagram and draws:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <format>

#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
#include <QtCharts/QChartView>
#include <QtCharts/QScatterSeries>
#include <QtCharts/QLineSeries>

#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/point_data.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi_diagram.hpp>

using namespace std;

struct Position
    using coordinate_type = double;

    coordinate_type x, y;

    bool operator<(Position rhs) const;
    bool operator==(Position rhs) const;

using coordinate_type = Position::coordinate_type;
using segment_type = boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type>;
using VoronoiDiagram = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type>;

/// settings necessarily for boost to be able to use Position as points:
template <>
struct boost::polygon::geometry_concept<Position> { typedef point_concept type; };

template <>
struct boost::polygon::point_traits<Position>
    using coordinate_type = ::coordinate_type;

    static inline coordinate_type get(const Position& point, boost::polygon::orientation_2d orient)
        return (orient == boost::polygon::HORIZONTAL) ? point.x : point.y;
using polygonF = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Position, /*ClockWise=*/false, /*Closed=*/false>;

/// settings required to use boost::geometry::area(polygonF):
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits {

template <>
struct tag<Position> {
    using type = point_tag;

template <>
struct coordinate_type<Position> {
    using type = Position::coordinate_type;

template <>
struct coordinate_system<Position> {
    using type = cs::cartesian;

template <>
struct dimension<Position> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {};

template <>
struct access<Position, 0> {
    static double get(const Position& p) { return p.x; }
    static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.x = value; }

template <>
struct access<Position, 1> {
    static double get(const Position& p) { return p.y; }
    static void set(Position& p, const double& value) { p.y = value; }
}}} // namespace boost::geometry::traits

QPolygonF verticesOfCell(const VoronoiDiagram::cell_type& voronoiCell)
    QPolygonF polygon;

    const auto* edge = voronoiCell.incident_edge();
    do {
        if (!edge)

        if (edge->is_primary())
            if (edge->is_finite())
                auto v0 = edge->vertex0();
                auto v1 = edge->vertex1();
                polygon << QPointF{v0->x(), v0->y()};
                polygon << QPointF{v1->x(), v1->y()};
        edge = edge->next();
    } while (edge != voronoiCell.incident_edge());

    return polygon;
polygonF toBoostPolygon(const QPolygonF& polygonQt)
    polygonF polygon;
    for (const auto p : polygonQt)
        polygon.outer().emplace_back(p.x(), p.y());
    return polygon;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //////////////// configuration points and segments:
    std::vector<Position> positions
        = {Position{0.476191, -0.952381},  Position{-0, -0.952381},
           Position{-0.476191, -0.952381}, Position{-0.476191, -1.42857},
           Position{-0.952381, -1.42857},  Position{-1.90476, -0.952381},
           Position{-1.42857, -1.42857},   Position{-1.90476, -1.42857},
           Position{-2.38095, -1.90476},   Position{-1.42857, -2.38095},
           Position{-1.42857, -1.90476},   Position{-0.952381, -2.85714},
           Position{-0.952381, -3.33333},  Position{-0, -3.80952},
           Position{0.952381, -4.28571},   Position{0.476191, -4.28571},
           Position{0.476191, -3.80952},   Position{0.952381, -3.33333},
           Position{0.476191, -3.33333},   Position{-0, -2.38095},
           Position{0.476191, -2.38095},   Position{0.952381, -1.90476},
           Position{0.476191, -1.90476},   Position{-0, -1.90476},
           Position{0.476191, -0.476191},  Position{-0.952381, -0.952381},
           Position{0.476191, -1.42857},   Position{-0.476191, -2.38095},
           Position{-0.952381, -2.38095},  Position{-2.38095, -2.85714},
           Position{-1.90476, -3.33333},   Position{-1.42857, -3.33333},
           Position{-0, -2.85714},         Position{-0.476191, -2.85714},
           Position{-0, -3.33333},         Position{-0, -4.76191},
           Position{0.952381, -2.38095},   Position{0.952381, -2.85714},
           Position{0.476191, -2.85714},   Position{-0.476191, -1.90476},
           Position{0.952381, -3.80952},   Position{1.42857, -2.85714},
           Position{1.90476, -2.38095},    Position{0.952381, -4.76191},
           Position{-0.476191, -5.2381},   Position{0.476191, -5.2381},
           Position{1.90476, -3.33333},    Position{-2.85714, -2.38095},
           Position{-2.38095, -1.42857},   Position{-2.38095, -0.952381},
           Position{-1.42857, -2.85714},   Position{-1.90476, -1.90476},
           Position{1.42857, -1.90476},    Position{2.38095, -2.85714},
           Position{2.38095, -1.42857},    Position{2.38095, -0.952381},
           Position{1.90476, -1.42857},    Position{2.38095, -1.90476},
           Position{-1.90476, -2.38095},   Position{0.952381, -0.952381},
           Position{-3.33333, -3.33333},   Position{-3.80952, -2.38095},
           Position{-3.80952, -1.42857},   Position{-3.33333, -1.90476},
           Position{-3.33333, -0.952381},  Position{-0.476191, -4.28571},
           Position{-0, -1.42857},         Position{-0.952381, -1.90476}};

    std::vector<segment_type> segments;
    segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, -5.5)); // for clang can be compile error, for g++ compiles
    segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, -5.5), Position(3.5, 3));
    segments.emplace_back(Position(3.5, 3), Position(-6.5, 3));
    segments.emplace_back(Position(-6.5, 3), Position(-6.5, -5.5));

    //////////////// Qt's part - set up Widgets
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QMainWindow window;
    QChart *chart = new QChart();
    chart->setTitle("Voronoi Diagram Example");

    QScatterSeries *pointsSeries = new QScatterSeries();
    pointsSeries->setName("Source Points (head positions)");

    for (const auto &pos : positions) {
        pointsSeries->append(pos.x, pos.y);

    QLineSeries *voronoiEdgesSeries = new QLineSeries();
    voronoiEdgesSeries->setName("Voronoi Edges");

    QLineSeries *segmentsSeries = new QLineSeries();
    segmentsSeries->setName("Segments (room end)");

    //////////////// construction of Voronoi diagram + printing cells
    VoronoiDiagram vd;
    boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(begin(positions), end(positions), begin(segments), end(segments), &vd);

    unsigned int cell_index = 0;
    for (auto it = vd.cells().begin(); it != vd.cells().end(); ++it) {
        if (it->contains_point()) {
            switch (it->source_category())
                case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT:
                    std::size_t index = it->source_index();
                    auto p = positions[index];
                    cout << format("Cell #{} contains a point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p.x, p.y) << endl;
                case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT:
                    std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size();
                    auto p0 = low(segments[index]);
                    cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment start point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y()) << endl;
                case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT:
                    std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size();
                    auto p1 = high(segments[index]);
                    cout << format("Cell #{} contains segment end point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl;

            auto cellPolygon = verticesOfCell(*it);
            if (!cellPolygon.empty()) {
                cout << "\t[vertices:" << cellPolygon.size() << "]";
                if (auto boostPolygon = toBoostPolygon(cellPolygon);
                    cout << "{area:" << boost::geometry::area(boostPolygon) << "}";
                for (int i = 0; i < cellPolygon.size(); ++i) {
                    const QPointF &p = cellPolygon[i];
                    const QPointF &p2 = cellPolygon[(i + 1) % cellPolygon.size()];
                    voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p.x(), p.y());
                    voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p2.x(), p2.y());
                    cout << "\t(" << p.x() << ", " << p.y() << "),";
                cout << endl;
        } else {
            std::size_t index = it->source_index() - positions.size();
            auto p0 = low(segments[index]);
            auto p1 = high(segments[index]);
            cout << format("Cell #{} contains a segment: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}) -> ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index, p0.x(), p0.y(), p1.x(), p1.y()) << endl;

    //////////////// Qt: setting up charts && drawing && showing:
    for (const auto& segment : segments)
        auto p0 = segment.low();
        auto p1 = segment.high();
        segmentsSeries->append(p0.x(), p0.y());
        segmentsSeries->append(p1.x(), p1.y());



    QChartView *chartView = new QChartView(chart);

    window.resize(800, 600);

    return app.exec();

Output of first code:

Cell #0 contains segment end point: (-6.50, -5.50)
Cell #1 contains a segment: (-6.50, 3.00) -> (-6.50, -5.50)
Cell #2 contains segment start point: (-6.50, 3.00)
Cell #3 contains a segment: (-6.50, -5.50) -> (3.50, -5.50)
Cell #4 contains a segment: (3.50, 3.00) -> (-6.50, 3.00)
Cell #5 contains a point: (-3.33, -3.33)
    [vertices:10]{area:2.60011} (-2, -3.75),    (-2, -3),   (-2, -3),   (-2.5, -2.5),   (-2.5, -2.5),   (-4.45833, -2.5),   (-4.45833, -2.5),   (-4.4641, -3.4641), (-4.4641, -3.4641), (-2, -3.75),
Cell #6 contains a point: (-3.81, -2.38)
    [vertices:8]{area:1.95833}  (-2.5, -2.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),   (-4.45833, -1.5),   (-4.45833, -1.5),   (-4.45833, -2.5),   (-4.45833, -2.5),   (-2.5, -2.5),
Cell #7 contains a point: (-3.81, -1.43)
    [vertices:8]{area:1.95833}  (-2.5, -1.5),   (-2.5, -0.5),   (-2.5, -0.5),   (-4.45833, -0.5),   (-4.45833, -0.5),   (-4.45833, -1.5),   (-4.45833, -1.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),
Cell #8 contains a point: (-3.33, -0.95)
    [vertices:8]{area:3.41267}  (-2.5, -0.5),   (-2.5, 1.45833),    (-2.5, 1.45833),    (-4.24264, 1.24264),    (-4.24264, 1.24264),    (-4.45833, -0.5),   (-4.45833, -0.5),   (-2.5, -0.5),
Cell #9 contains a point: (-2.38, -2.86)
    [vertices:10]{area:1.25}    (-1.5, -2.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),   (-2.5, -2.5),   (-2.5, -2.5),   (-2, -3),   (-2, -3),   (-1.5, -2.5),
Cell #10 contains a point: (-2.38, -1.90)
    [vertices:8]{area:1}    (-1.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-2.5, -0.5),   (-2.5, -0.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),   (-2.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),
Cell #11 contains a point: (-2.38, -0.95)
    [vertices:8]{area:1.95833}  (-1.5, 1.45833),    (-2.5, 1.45833),    (-2.5, 1.45833),    (-2.5, -0.5),   (-2.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, 1.45833),
Cell #12 contains a point: (-1.43, -3.33)
    [vertices:12]{area:1.875}   (-0.5, -3.5),   (-0.5, -2.5),   (-0.5, -2.5),   (-1.5, -2.5),   (-1.5, -2.5),   (-2, -3),   (-2, -3),   (-2, -3.75),    (-2, -3.75),    (-1, -4),   (-1, -4),   (-0.5, -3.5),
Cell #13 contains a point: (-1.43, -2.38)
    [vertices:8]{area:1}    (-0.5, -2.5),   (-0.5, -1.5),   (-0.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -2.5),   (-1.5, -2.5),   (-0.5, -2.5),
Cell #14 contains a point: (-1.90, -1.90)
    [vertices:8]{area:1}    (-0.5, -1.5),   (-0.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),   (-1.5, -1.5),   (-0.5, -1.5),
Cell #15 contains a point: (-1.90, -0.95)
    [vertices:8]{area:1.95833}  (-0.5, 1.45833),    (-1.5, 1.45833),    (-1.5, 1.45833),    (-1.5, -0.5),   (-1.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, 1.45833),
Cell #16 contains a point: (0.48, -5.24)
Cell #17 contains a point: (-0.48, -4.29)
    [vertices:8]{area:0.75} (1, -4),    (0.5, -3.5),    (0.5, -3.5),    (-0.5, -3.5),   (-0.5, -3.5),   (-1, -4),   (-1, -4),   (1, -4),
Cell #18 contains a point: (0.95, -3.81)
    [vertices:8]{area:1}    (0.5, -3.5),    (0.5, -2.5),    (0.5, -2.5),    (-0.5, -2.5),   (-0.5, -2.5),   (-0.5, -3.5),   (-0.5, -3.5),   (0.5, -3.5),
Cell #19 contains a point: (0.95, -2.38)
    [vertices:8]{area:1}    (0.5, -2.5),    (0.5, -1.5),    (0.5, -1.5),    (-0.5, -1.5),   (-0.5, -1.5),   (-0.5, -2.5),   (-0.5, -2.5),   (0.5, -2.5),
Cell #20 contains a point: (-0.95, -1.43)
    [vertices:8]{area:1}    (0.5, -1.5),    (0.5, -0.5),    (0.5, -0.5),    (-0.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, -1.5),   (-0.5, -1.5),   (0.5, -1.5),
Cell #21 contains a point: (-0.48, -0.95)
    [vertices:10]{area:2.71875} (1, -0),    (1, 1.33333),   (1, 1.33333),   (-0.5, 1.45833),    (-0.5, 1.45833),    (-0.5, -0.5),   (-0.5, -0.5),   (0.5, -0.5),    (0.5, -0.5),    (1, -0),
Cell #22 contains a point: (1.90, -3.33)
    [vertices:12]{area:1.82843} (1.82843, -3.82843),    (2, -3),    (2, -3),    (1.5, -2.5),    (1.5, -2.5),    (0.5, -2.5),    (0.5, -2.5),    (0.5, -3.5),    (0.5, -3.5),    (1, -4),    (1, -4),    (1.82843, -3.82843),
Cell #23 contains a point: (1.43, -2.86)
    [vertices:10]   (1.5, -0.585786),   (1.9375, -1.5), (1.9375, -1.5), (0.5, -1.5),    (0.5, -1.5),    (0.5, -2.5),    (0.5, -2.5),    (1.5, -2.5),    (1.5, -2.5),    (1.5, -0.585786),
Cell #24 contains a point: (1.90, -1.43)
    [vertices:12]   (1.9375, -1.5), (1.5, -2.41421),    (1.5, -2.41421),    (1.5, -0.5),    (1.5, -0.5),    (1, -0),    (1, -0),    (0.5, -0.5),    (0.5, -0.5),    (0.5, -1.5),    (0.5, -1.5),    (1.9375, -1.5),
Cell #25 contains a point: (2.38, -2.86)
    [vertices:6]{area:0.478553} (2, -3),    (1.5, -0.585786),   (1.5, -0.585786),   (1.5, -2.5),    (1.5, -2.5),    (2, -3),
Cell #26 contains a point: (2.38, -1.90)
    [vertices:6]{area:0.837468} (1.5, -2.41421),    (2.375, -0.5),  (2.375, -0.5),  (1.5, -0.5),    (1.5, -0.5),    (1.5, -2.41421),
Cell #27 contains a point: (2.38, -0.95)
    [vertices:10]{area:1.62731} (2.375, -0.5),  (1.44949, 1.44949), (1.44949, 1.44949), (1, 1.33333),   (1, 1.33333),   (1, -0),    (1, -0),    (1.5, -0.5),    (1.5, -0.5),    (2.375, -0.5),
Cell #28 contains segment start point: (3.50, -5.50)
Cell #29 contains a segment: (3.50, -5.50) -> (3.50, 3.00)
Cell #30 contains segment start point: (3.50, 3.00)

corresponding Python code used to generate this visualization:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d

# Definicja punktów
positions = np.array([
    [0.476191, -0.952381], [-0, -0.952381],
    [-0.476191, -0.952381], [-0.476191, -1.42857],
    [-0.952381, -1.42857], [-1.90476, -0.952381],
    [-1.42857, -1.42857], [-1.90476, -1.42857],
    [-2.38095, -1.90476], [-1.42857, -2.38095],
    [-1.42857, -1.90476], [-0.952381, -2.85714],
    [-0.952381, -3.33333], [-0, -3.80952],
    [0.952381, -4.28571], [0.476191, -4.28571],
    [0.476191, -3.80952], [0.952381, -3.33333],
    [0.476191, -3.33333], [-0, -2.38095],
    [0.476191, -2.38095], [0.952381, -1.90476],
    [0.476191, -1.90476], [-0, -1.90476],
    [0.476191, -0.476191], [-0.952381, -0.952381],
    [0.476191, -1.42857], [-0.476191, -2.38095],
    [-0.952381, -2.38095], [-2.38095, -2.85714],
    [-1.90476, -3.33333], [-1.42857, -3.33333],
    [-0, -2.85714], [-0.476191, -2.85714],
    [-0, -3.33333], [-0, -4.76191],
    [0.952381, -2.38095], [0.952381, -2.85714],
    [0.476191, -2.85714], [-0.476191, -1.90476],
    [0.952381, -3.80952], [1.42857, -2.85714],
    [1.90476, -2.38095], [0.952381, -4.76191],
    [-0.476191, -5.2381], [0.476191, -5.2381],
    [1.90476, -3.33333], [-2.85714, -2.38095],
    [-2.38095, -1.42857], [-2.38095, -0.952381],
    [-1.42857, -2.85714], [-1.90476, -1.90476],
    [1.42857, -1.90476], [2.38095, -2.85714],
    [2.38095, -1.42857], [2.38095, -0.952381],
    [1.90476, -1.42857], [2.38095, -1.90476],
    [-1.90476, -2.38095], [0.952381, -0.952381],
    [-3.33333, -3.33333], [-3.80952, -2.38095],
    [-3.80952, -1.42857], [-3.33333, -1.90476],
    [-3.33333, -0.952381], [-0.476191, -4.28571],
    [-0, -1.42857], [-0.952381, -1.90476]

# Definicja segmentów
segments = np.array([
    [[-6.5, -5.5], [3.5, -5.5]],
    [[3.5, -5.5], [3.5, 3]],
    [[3.5, 3], [-6.5, 3]],
    [[-6.5, 3], [-6.5, -5.5]]

# Generowanie diagramu Voronoi
vor = Voronoi(positions)

# Rysowanie diagramu Voronoi
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
voronoi_plot_2d(vor, ax=ax, show_vertices=False, line_colors='blue', line_width=1.5, point_size=5)

# Dodanie punktów źródłowych
ax.plot(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], 'ro', label="Source Points (head positions)")

# Dodanie segmentów
for segment in segments:
    ax.plot(segment[:, 0], segment[:, 1], 'k-', lw=2, label="Segments (room end)")

# Ustawienia wykresu
ax.set_title("Voronoi Diagram Example")

# Wyświetlenie wykresu

EDIT: Thanks for suggestion from: @MSalters I was able to construct Voronoi diagram, which looks almost OK:

each point is multiplied by 100 I multiplied all points (also segment's points) with 100 (meters to centimeters) then when drawing I divided points with 100. Now it looks almost OK, but some lines are going through points and other cells.


  • Looks to me the "spurious" lines are due to you trying plot polygons as if they're a single linestring. That doesn't work because you accidentally draw lines between two vertices from adjacent cells.

    You could painstakingly retrace your path to a common vertex and continue from there. I'd say it's better to plot them as individual series:

    QLineSeries* voronoiEdgesSeries = new QLineSeries();
    voronoiEdgesSeries->setName("Voronoi Edges");
    for (QPointF const& p : cellPolygon) {
        voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p.x() / SCALE, p.y() / SCALE);
        std::cout << "\t(" << p.x() / SCALE << ", " << p.y() / SCALE << "),";

    Note also, that since boost::geometry::is_valid is true, then by definition your polygon is already closed: no need to repeat the first point.

    Here's a demo, scaling the inputs by 2^10:

    Live Compiler Explorer?

    #include <format>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <QtCharts/QBarLegendMarker>
    #include <QtCharts/QChartView>
    #include <QtCharts/QLineSeries>
    #include <QtCharts/QScatterSeries>
    #include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
    #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
    #include <boost/geometry.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
    #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
    #include <boost/polygon/point_data.hpp>
    #include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
    #include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
    #include <boost/polygon/voronoi_diagram.hpp>
    #include <boost/polygon/gmp_override.hpp>
    using namespace QtCharts;
    struct Position {
        using coordinate_type = double;
        coordinate_type x, y;
    using coordinate_type = Position::coordinate_type;
    using segment_type    = boost::polygon::segment_data<coordinate_type>;
    using VoronoiDiagram  = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<coordinate_type>;
    /// settings necessarily for boost to be able to use Position as points:
    template <> struct boost::polygon::geometry_concept<Position> {
        typedef point_concept type;
    template <> struct boost::polygon::point_traits<Position> {
        using coordinate_type = ::coordinate_type;
        static inline coordinate_type get(Position const& point, boost::polygon::orientation_2d orient) {
            return (orient == boost::polygon::HORIZONTAL) ? point.x : point.y;
    using polygonF = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Position, /*ClockWise=*/false, /*Closed=*/false>;
    /// settings required to use boost::geometry::area(polygonF):
    namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits {
        template <> struct tag<Position> { using type = point_tag; };
        template <> struct coordinate_type<Position> { using type = Position::coordinate_type; };
        template <> struct coordinate_system<Position> { using type = cs::cartesian; };
        template <> struct dimension<Position> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {};
        template <> struct access<Position, 0> {
            static ::coordinate_type get(Position const& p) { return p.x; }
            static void              set(Position& p, ::coordinate_type const& value) { p.x = value; }
        template <> struct access<Position, 1> {
            static ::coordinate_type get(Position const& p) { return p.y; }
            static void              set(Position& p, ::coordinate_type const& value) { p.y = value; }
    }}} // namespace boost::geometry::traits
    QPolygonF verticesOfCell(VoronoiDiagram::cell_type const& voronoiCell) {
        QPolygonF polygon;
        auto const* edge = voronoiCell.incident_edge();
        do {
            if (!edge)
            if (edge->is_primary()) {
                if (edge->is_finite()) {
                    auto v0 = edge->vertex0();
                    auto v1 = edge->vertex1();
                    polygon << QPointF{v0->x(), v0->y()};
                    polygon << QPointF{v1->x(), v1->y()};
            edge = edge->next();
        } while (edge != voronoiCell.incident_edge());
        return polygon;
    polygonF toBoostPolygon(QPolygonF const& polygonQt) {
        polygonF polygon;
        for (auto const& p : polygonQt)
            polygon.outer().emplace_back(p.x(), p.y());
        return polygon;
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
        //////////////// configuration points and segments:
        std::vector<Position> positions = {
            {0.476191, -0.952381}, {-0, -0.952381},        {-0.476191, -0.952381}, {-0.476191, -1.42857},
            {-0.952381, -1.42857}, {-1.90476, -0.952381},  {-1.42857, -1.42857},   {-1.90476, -1.42857},
            {-2.38095, -1.90476},  {-1.42857, -2.38095},   {-1.42857, -1.90476},   {-0.952381, -2.85714},
            {-0.952381, -3.33333}, {-0, -3.80952},         {0.952381, -4.28571},   {0.476191, -4.28571},
            {0.476191, -3.80952},  {0.952381, -3.33333},   {0.476191, -3.33333},   {-0, -2.38095},
            {0.476191, -2.38095},  {0.952381, -1.90476},   {0.476191, -1.90476},   {-0, -1.90476},
            {0.476191, -0.476191}, {-0.952381, -0.952381}, {0.476191, -1.42857},   {-0.476191, -2.38095},
            {-0.952381, -2.38095}, {-2.38095, -2.85714},   {-1.90476, -3.33333},   {-1.42857, -3.33333},
            {-0, -2.85714},        {-0.476191, -2.85714},  {-0, -3.33333},         {-0, -4.76191},
            {0.952381, -2.38095},  {0.952381, -2.85714},   {0.476191, -2.85714},   {-0.476191, -1.90476},
            {0.952381, -3.80952},  {1.42857, -2.85714},    {1.90476, -2.38095},    {0.952381, -4.76191},
            {-0.476191, -5.2381},  {0.476191, -5.2381},    {1.90476, -3.33333},    {-2.85714, -2.38095},
            {-2.38095, -1.42857},  {-2.38095, -0.952381},  {-1.42857, -2.85714},   {-1.90476, -1.90476},
            {1.42857, -1.90476},   {2.38095, -2.85714},    {2.38095, -1.42857},    {2.38095, -0.952381},
            {1.90476, -1.42857},   {2.38095, -1.90476},    {-1.90476, -2.38095},   {0.952381, -0.952381},
            {-3.33333, -3.33333},  {-3.80952, -2.38095},   {-3.80952, -1.42857},   {-3.33333, -1.90476},
            {-3.33333, -0.952381}, {-0.476191, -4.28571},  {-0, -1.42857},         {-0.952381, -1.90476}};
        auto SCALE = std::pow(2.0, 10);
        std::vector<segment_type> segments;
        segments.emplace_back(Position{-6.5, -5.5},
                              Position{3.5, -5.5}); // for clang can be compile error, for g++ compiles
        segments.emplace_back(Position{3.5, -5.5}, Position{3.5, 3});
        segments.emplace_back(Position{3.5, 3}, Position{-6.5, 3});
        segments.emplace_back(Position{-6.5, 3}, Position{-6.5, -5.5});
        for (Position& p : positions) {
            p.x *= SCALE;
            p.y *= SCALE;
        for (auto& s : segments) {
            s.low({s.low().x() * SCALE, s.low().y() * SCALE});
            s.high({s.high().x() * SCALE, s.high().y() * SCALE});
        //////////////// construction of Voronoi diagram + printing cells
        VoronoiDiagram vd;
        boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(    //
            begin(positions), end(positions), //
            begin(segments), end(segments),   //
        // SCALE = 1;
        //////////////// Qt's part - set up Widgets
        QApplication app(argc, argv);
        QMainWindow  window;
        QChart*      chart = new QChart();
        chart->setTitle("Voronoi Diagram Example");
            QScatterSeries* pointsSeries = new QScatterSeries();
            pointsSeries->setName("Source Points (head positions)");
            for (auto const& pos : positions)
                pointsSeries->append(pos.x / SCALE, pos.y / SCALE);
        QLineSeries* segmentsSeries = new QLineSeries();
        segmentsSeries->setName("Segments (room end)");
        for (unsigned int cell_index = 0; auto cell : vd.cells()) {
            if (cell.contains_point()) {
                switch (cell.source_category()) {
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT: {
                        size_t index = cell.source_index();
                        auto   p     = positions.at(index);
                        std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains a point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})", cell_index,
                                                 p.x / SCALE, p.y / SCALE)
                                  << std::endl;
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT: {
                        size_t index = cell.source_index() - positions.size();
                        auto   p0    = low(segments.at(index));
                        std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains segment start point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})",
                                                 cell_index, p0.x() / SCALE, p0.y() / SCALE)
                                  << std::endl;
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT: {
                        size_t index = cell.source_index() - positions.size();
                        auto   p1    = high(segments.at(index));
                        std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains segment end point: ({:.2f}, {:.2f})",
                                                 cell_index, p1.x() / SCALE, p1.y() / SCALE)
                                  << std::endl;
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_INITIAL_SEGMENT:
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_REVERSE_SEGMENT:
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_GEOMETRY_SHIFT:
                    case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_BITMASK: break;
                auto cellPolygon = verticesOfCell(cell);
                if (!cellPolygon.empty()) {
                    std::cout << "\t[vertices:" << cellPolygon.size() << "]";
                        std::string reason;
                        if (auto boostPolygon = toBoostPolygon(cellPolygon);
                                boost::geometry::is_valid(boostPolygon, reason)) {
                            std::cout << "{area:" << boost::geometry::area(boostPolygon) / SCALE / SCALE << "}";
                        } else {
                            std::cerr << "{INVALID:" << reason << "}";
                            return 3;
                        QLineSeries* voronoiEdgesSeries = new QLineSeries();
                        voronoiEdgesSeries->setName("Voronoi Edges");
                        for (QPointF const& p : cellPolygon) {
                            voronoiEdgesSeries->append(p.x() / SCALE, p.y() / SCALE);
                            std::cout << "\t(" << p.x() / SCALE << ", " << p.y() / SCALE << "),";
                    std::cout << std::endl;
            } else {
                size_t index = cell.source_index() - positions.size();
                auto   p0    = low(segments.at(index));
                auto   p1    = high(segments.at(index));
                std::cout << std::format("Cell #{} contains a segment: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}) -> ({:.2f}, {:.2f})",
                                         cell_index, p0.x() / SCALE, p0.y() / SCALE, p1.x() / SCALE,
                                         p1.y() / SCALE)
                          << std::endl;
        //////////////// Qt: setting up charts && drawing && showing:
        for (auto const& segment : segments) {
            auto p0 = segment.low();
            auto p1 = segment.high();
            segmentsSeries->append(p0.x() / SCALE, p0.y() / SCALE);
            segmentsSeries->append(p1.x() / SCALE, p1.y() / SCALE);
        QChartView* chartView = new QChartView(chart);
        window.resize(800, 600);
        return app.exec();

    With a live demo:

    The image:

    enter image description here