I have the following template:
<sc-list #list drawer-track> </sc-list>
<sc-drawer [drawerTrack]="list"></sc-drawer>
I need to get the host element of sc-list inside sc-drawer component using the drawer-track directive.
I was trying to use Injector or EnvironmentInjector inside sc-drawer component, but I couldn't figure out how to use it, or maybe there is another approach that I don't know.
When you create a directive you can indicate "exportAs"
selector: 'drawer-track',
exportAs: 'drawerTrack' //<--this line
})export class DrawerTrackDirective {
Now, when use a template reference variable you can indicate that your variable should be this directive
<sc-list #list="drawerTrack" drawer-track> </sc-list>
(It the same, e.g. when you use ngModel and write #name="ngModel"
Now, you can inject in your drawerTrack directive the elementRef (declare as public) or the sc-list (use Optional if your directive is applied not only to a sc-list)
constructor(public elementRef:ElementRef,
@Optional() public scList:ScListComponent){}
So you can use in .ts in your sc-drawer
//or execute a function
NOTE: when we use ViewChild, we can use, {read:ClassName}, e.g.
And in .html
<sc-drawer [drawerTrack]="listAsTrackDirective"></sc-drawer>