When I update my project's TypeScript dependency to the version v5.5.2 from 5.4.5 it completely breaks my checks in test.ts files specifically with VueWrapper type, I use vitest. type error
My usual implementation looks like:
let wrapper: VueWrapper<InstanceType<typeof SomeComponentToTest>>;
//also try
let wrapper: VueWrapper<any>;
let wrapper: VueWrapper<typeof SomeComponentToTest>;
describe('SomeComponentToTest component tests', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
//before each test set up
test('some test to the component' ()=>{
But always get the same error in the wrapper declaration: Generic type 'VueWrapper<VM, T>' requires 2 type argument(s)
The error seems self-explanatory, but I have no idea how to fix it.
the tests keeps working as usual, the problem is only when i run vue-tsc --noEmit
this problem is related to one error on the src/vue-test-utils.d.ts
declare module '@vue/test-utils' {
export class VueWrapper {
findByTestId(testId: string): DOMWrapper[];
when it should be:
declare module '@vue/test-utils' {
interface VueWrapper {
findByTestId(testId: string): DOMWrapper[];
that solve the issue pd: sorry for the bad english