Trap listener implementation
TransportMapping<UdpAddress> trapTransport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping(new UdpAddress("<some_port>"));
snmp = new Snmp(trapTransport);
MessageDispatcherImpl messageDispatcher = (MessageDispatcherImpl) snmp.getMessageDispatcher();
USM usm = new USM();
Adding usm users like below
// noAuthPriv
OctetString noAuthSecurityName = new OctetString("ADMIN");
byte[] noAuthSecurityEngineID = makeEngineId("some valid value");
UsmUser noAuthUser = new UsmUser(noAuthSecurityName, null, null,
null, null, OctetString.fromByteArray(noAuthSecurityEngineID));
// AuthNoPriv with "MD5"
OctetString MD5SecurityName = new OctetString("ADMIN");
byte[] MD5securityEngineID = makeEngineId("some valid value 1");
UsmUser MD5User = new UsmUser(MD5SecurityName, AuthMD5.ID, new OctetString("ADMINTEST"),
null, null, OctetString.fromByteArray(MD5securityEngineID));
I am sure that protocols and password are same on network device and in USM user, still for authNoPriv getting below error, working for case with noAuthPriv
Received Failed Trap: 1408, org.snmp4j.asn1.BERInputStream@3b7a6a2a, SnmpConstants.SNMPv3_USM_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE
Tried on multiple networking devices, also same configs seem to work with pysnmp in python
Update 01/Oct/2024: Only difference between pysnmp(digest length:12) and SNMP4j (digest length:16) I could find was digest length. Could this be the reason for error?
I found the answer for this question
Issue was with localization of authentication key new OctetString("ADMINTEST")
, I directly passed this key so it was considered localized key during trap processing,
FAQ showed the right way to do localization