I am using rust actix to upload some zip file, now I want to check the upload zip file size less than 100MB. This is the code look like:
async fn upload_full_proj(
MultipartForm(form): MultipartForm<FullProjUpload>,
login_user_info: LoginUserInfo,
) -> HttpResponse {
return save_full_proj(form, &login_user_info).await;
and this is the FullProjUpload
defined like:
use actix_multipart::form::{MultipartForm, tempfile::TempFile, text::Text};
#[derive(Debug, MultipartForm)]
pub struct FullProjUpload {
#[multipart(rename = "file")]
pub files: Vec<TempFile>,
pub project_id: Text<String>,
pub parent: Text<String>
I have tried to limit the size in the project entry like this:
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
log4rs::init_file("log4rs.yaml", Default::default()).unwrap();
let port: u16 = get_app_config("texhub.port").parse().unwrap();
let address = ("", port);
HttpServer::new(|| {
.total_limit(1048576) // 1 MB = 1024 * 1024
.memory_limit(2097152) // 2 MB = 2 * 1024 * 1024
and it works fine, but how to limit the file size in each actix api? because the image upload size limit(<2MB) is different with the project zip file size limit(<100MB). I also need to check the size without full received the file.
You can provide .app_data
on a per Scope
level and not just on the whole App
Just provide a different config via .app_data
on the Scope
you want to have a different configuration. The most specific configuration will be used.