
Excel VBA - Skip renaming when cell empty

I use PowerQuery to create a table from databases and manage files.

There are some files I need to move to a specific folder, depending the value in some column. No need in my VBA code to check those, all the various checks are done with PowerQuery.

THere is in fact more column in my table, but the 3 I look at in the macro are those 3.

OriginalNativeName NewNativeName completepath\newfolder
complete path folder1Newfilename1 complete path folder1Newfilename1 complete path folder1
complete path folder2
complete path folder1filename 3 complete path folder1Newfilename3 complete path folder1

My VBA code is just to move the files listed in my generated table. Some line are blank because there is no file or no need to rename ( but other columns are needed, so I cannot delete my line completely). I need to create the folder, if needed, before moving my files. but I also need to skip the lines that are blank and it's here I have error.

My last attempt as code is the following one, where I try to skip the renaming.

   Sub Move_Native()
   Dim TAncNouv(), L&
   Dim Fobj As Object
   Set Fobj = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
   ChDrive ThisWorkbook.Path: ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
   TAncNouv = ActiveSheet.Range("xml_ENGDOC[OriginalNativeName]").Resize(, 3).Value
   For L = 1 To UBound(TAncNouv, 1)
   If Fobj.FolderExists(TAncNouv(L, 3)) = False Then
   MkDir (TAncNouv(L, 3))
   End If
   If IsEmpty(TAncNouv(L, 1)) = True Then
      Name TAncNouv(L, 1) As TAncNouv(L, 2)
      End If
      Next L
   End Sub

But I still have an Run Time error '75': Path/File access error:
Run Time error '75': Path/File access error

so it means I'm not skipping correctly. What am I doing wrong ? what can I do to skip this part ?

Thanks in advance


  • Skip When Cell Is Blank

    At the Top of the Module

    Option Explicit
    Private Enum PathColumns
        OldFile = 1
        NewFile = 2
        NewFolder = 3
    End Enum

    Dir Function

    Sub MoveNativeFilesDir()
        Const TABLE_NAME As String = "xml_ENGDOC"
        Const FIRST_COLUMN_TITLE As String = "OriginalNativeName"
        Const COLUMNS_COUNT As Long = 3 ' consecutive columns
        Dim TAncNouv() As Variant:
        TAncNouv = Application.Range(TABLE_NAME).ListObject _
            .ListColumns(FIRST_COLUMN_TITLE).DataBodyRange _
            .Resize(, COLUMNS_COUNT).Value
        Dim tRow As Long
        Dim OldFilePath As String, NewFolderPath As String, NewFilePath As String
        For tRow = 1 To UBound(TAncNouv, 1)
            OldFilePath = CStr(TAncNouv(tRow, PathColumns.OldFile))
            If Len(OldFilePath) > 0 Then
                If Len(Dir(OldFilePath)) > 0 Then ' old file exists
                    NewFolderPath = CStr(TAncNouv(tRow, PathColumns.NewFolder))
                    ' Note that the following 'If' statement will fail
                    ' if the parent folder (e.g. `C:\Test1`) of the folder
                    ' to be created (e.g. 'C:\Test1\Test2') doesn't exist!
                    If Len(Dir(NewFolderPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then ' doesn't exist
                        MkDir NewFolderPath
                    'Else ' new folder exists
                    End If
                    NewFilePath = CStr(TAncNouv(tRow, PathColumns.NewFile))
                    If Len(Dir(NewFilePath)) > 0 Then ' new file exists
                        Kill NewFilePath ' delete
                    'Else ' new file doesn't exist
                    End If
                    Name OldFilePath As NewFilePath ' move
                'Else ' old file doesn't exist
                End If
            'Else ' blank cell
            End If
        Next tRow
        MsgBox "Native files moved.", vbInformation
    End Sub

    FileSystemObject Object

    Sub MoveNativeFilesFso()
        Const TABLE_NAME As String = "xml_ENGDOC"
        Const FIRST_COLUMN_TITLE As String = "OriginalNativeName"
        Const COLUMNS_COUNT As Long = 3 ' consecutive columns
        Dim TAncNouv() As Variant:
        TAncNouv = Application.Range(TABLE_NAME).ListObject _
            .ListColumns(FIRST_COLUMN_TITLE).DataBodyRange.Resize(, COLUMNS_COUNT)
        Dim fso As Object: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim tRow As Long
        Dim OldFilePath As String, NewFolderPath As String, NewFilePath As String
        For tRow = 1 To UBound(TAncNouv, 1)
            OldFilePath = CStr(TAncNouv(tRow, PathColumns.OldFile))
            If Len(OldFilePath) > 0 Then
                If fso.FileExists(OldFilePath) Then ' old file exists
                    NewFolderPath = CStr(TAncNouv(tRow, PathColumns.NewFolder))
                    ' Note that the following 'If' statement will fail
                    ' if the parent folder (e.g. `C:\Test1`) of the folder
                    ' to be created (e.g. 'C:\Test1\Test2') doesn't exist!
                    If Not fso.FolderExists(NewFolderPath) Then ' ... doesn't exist
                        fso.CreateFolder NewFolderPath
                    'Else ' new folder exists
                    End If
                    NewFilePath = CStr(TAncNouv(tRow, PathColumns.NewFile))
                    If fso.FileExists(NewFilePath) Then ' new file exists
                        fso.CopyFile OldFilePath, NewFilePath, True ' overwrite
                        fso.DeleteFile OldFilePath, True ' also delete if read-only
                    Else ' new file doesn't exist
                        fso.MoveFile OldFilePath, NewFilePath
                    End If
                'Else ' old file doesn't exist
                End If
            'Else ' blank cell
            End If
        Next tRow
        MsgBox "Native files moved.", vbInformation
    End Sub