I am working on a flutter project using flutter_nfc_kit to scan(read) an nfc tag for a uri payload and then make use of the payload for other activities i am not doing any writing, the tag type in focus is the NTAG424 NFC TAG, i have no issues when working with TYPE 2 TAGS.
The problem is the functionality works for Type 2 tags (NTAG213, 216 etc), but when i try to scan a NTAG424 tag it returns an "ndef not found error", I use flutter_nfc_kit: ^3.5.2
, i have tested with nfc tools like "NFC tools" and "NXP TagWriter", so i confirm the tag is functional and i can see the encoded uri.
Below is the relevant code for the scanning functionality.
Future<void> _startNfcScan(BuildContext context) async {
try {
// Show the bottom sheet for Android (iOS already has a native NFC prompt)
if (!Platform.isIOS) {
await _showReadyToScanSheet(context);
// Start the NFC polling session
var tag = await FlutterNfcKit.poll(timeout: Duration(seconds: 10));
// Check if NDEF is available and read NDEF content
if (tag.ndefAvailable == true) {
// Read decoded NDEF records
List<ndef.NDEFRecord> ndefRecords = await FlutterNfcKit.readNDEFRecords();
if (ndefRecords.isNotEmpty) {
var firstRecord = ndefRecords.first;
// Ensure the payload is not null
if (firstRecord.payload != null && firstRecord.payload!.isNotEmpty) {
// Manually decode the compressed URI
String decodedUrl = _decodeUriPayload(firstRecord.payload!);
// Log or print the full decoded URL
print('Decoded URL from NFC tag: $decodedUrl');
// Now you have the full URL,do something with it
await _doSomething(context, decodedUrl);
// Show the "Scan Complete" bottom sheet after scanning
if (!Platform.isIOS) {
await _showScanCompleteSheet(context);
} else {
SnackBar(content: Text('No payload found on the NFC tag.')),
} else {
SnackBar(content: Text('No NDEF records found on the tag.')),
} else {
SnackBar(content: Text('NDEF not available on this tag.')),
} catch (e) {
// Handle errors during NFC scanning
SnackBar(content: Text('Failed to read NFC tag: $e')),
} finally {
// Finish the NFC session
await FlutterNfcKit.finish(iosAlertMessage: 'Scan Complete');
String _decodeUriPayload(List<int> payload) {
// The first byte in the URI payload is the prefix byte
final int prefixByte = payload[0];
// The rest of the payload is the actual URI content
final uriContent = utf8.decode(payload.sublist(1));
// Map the prefix byte to the correct URL scheme
const prefixMap = {
0x00: '', // No prefix
0x01: 'http://www.',
0x02: 'https://www.',
0x03: 'http://',
0x04: 'https://',
// Get the prefix based on the prefix byte
final prefix = prefixMap[prefixByte] ?? '';
// Return the full URL by combining the prefix with the URI content
return prefix + uriContent;
I'm posting this as an answer since this is what worked for me:
I had to switch to using nfc_manager Then added this to info.plist and now i can successfully scan NTAG424 DNA TAGS with my app.
So it seems to be more of an incomplete setup issue, creaed an article on it for those interested in the full story. https://medium.com/@timidev34/solving-the-ndef-not-available-error-when-working-with-ntag424-nfc-tags-on-ios-in-flutter-26928edd717f