I'm migrating my workspace and development environment from
In the old version, it's very helpful, when editing an Spring XML beans file, to press Ctrl+Space and, STS autocomplete the class name, or STS shows all the properties/attributes of the bean.
In the new version, it doesn't work for me. How can I configure or activate this?
I have read about "Content Assist" configuration. When I'm editing a Java source file, Ctrl+Space works. So my question is about an Spring beans file in XML.
Thank you.
The support for Spring XML config files in the Spring Tools 4 is not enabled by default. You need to enable this in the preferences via Preferences -> Spring -> XML Config Files -> Enable Spring XML Config files support
Once that is active, you will get the mentioned features showing up in Spring XML config files.
In case you are missing a specific feature, please raise an enhancement request at https://github.com/spring-projects/sts4/issues.