
How can I subtract 3 hours from a user-provided date and time in a Bash script?

im working on a Bash script where I need to subtract 3 hours from user-provided start and end date/time inputs. The user inputs the date and time in the 24-hour format as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS.

#user will enter 24hours format
Select_Start_date="01/10/2024 12:55:23"
Select_End_date="01/10/2024 16:54:23"

# Convert to the correct format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) before subtracting hours
S_date_adj=$(date -d "$(echo $Select_Start_date | awk -F'/' '{print $3"-"$2"-"$1" "$4}')" -d "3 hours ago" +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
E_date_adj=$(date -d "$(echo $Select_End_date | awk -F'/' '{print $3"-"$2"-"$1" "$4}')" -d "3 hours ago" +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")

echo "Actual start date: $Select_Start_date"
echo "Actual End date : $Select_End_date"
echo "Reducted 3 hours start date:$S_date_adj"
echo "Reducted 3 houes End  date :$E_date_adj"
    # Pipeline Query
    SELECT ord.order_num FROM database.s_order ord,
         database.S_ORDER_DTL dtl
    WHERE ord.created >= TO_DATE('$S_date_adj', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
      AND ord.last_upd <= TO_DATE('$E_date_adj', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')

I need help ensuring that the date subtraction is correctly 24 hrs formatted and applied in the SQL query.

Result i got:

Actual start date: 01/10/2024 12:55:23

Actual End date : 01/10/2024 16:54:23

Reducted 3 hours start date:03/10/2024 08:21:49 ( Suppose 12 -3 =9:55:23)

Reducted 3 houes End date :03/10/2024 08:21:49 ( suppose 16-3 =14:54:23)


  • $ Select_Start_date="01/10/2024 12:55:23"
    $ date -d "$Select_Start_date"
    Wed Jan 10 12:55:23 EST 2024
    $ date -d "- 3 hours $Select_Start_date"
    Wed Jan 10 09:55:23 EST 2024
    $ date -d "$Select_Start_date - 3 hours"
    Wed Jan 10 11:55:23 EST 2024

    Putting the delta time first works OK

    When you put -3 after the datetime, the date parser interprets that as the timezone offset.

    All the gory details at Date input formats