
How to automatically set a value in drop-down list based on a date

I read the following post which is 2023. How to automatically set a value in drop-down list based on a value from another cell in row - apps script

And I have it modified for my form, however, it doesn't do anything. No error, nothing in the log. Says executed, but no notes. Here is my code:

function onEdit(event){
  var colI = 9;  // Column Number of "I"

  var changedRange = event.source.getActiveRange();
  if (changedRange.getColumn() == colI) {
    // An edit has occurred in Column I

    //Get the Due date and current date then set as same time.
    var doDate = changedRange.getValue().setHours(12, 0, 0);
    let today = new Date().setHours(12, 0, 0)

    //Get the difference of the 2 dates
    var dateDifference = Math.round((doDate - today) / 8.64e7)

    //Set value to dropdown depending on difference
    var group = event.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(changedRange.getRow(), colI - 1);
    if (dateDifference == 0) {
      group.setValue("Needs SW Owner Review");

I know I don't have an else statement, because I only want the value in the drop-down menu to change to Needs SW Owner Review if the Do Date is today's date. It should be noted that the Do Date column is a formula that points to Column J, which is SW Date. This date field is entered by the user and Column I automatically adds 365 days to it. If that date is past, then the Status Column H will change to Needs SW Owner Review, and then an email will go to that owner. Thanks in advance for the help!

I modified the code to ensure it matches all the values of my sheet, column names, numbers, etc. It executes with no errors, but doesnt do anything. I planned to run a trigger based on a time, say midnight every nite but was doing an event first to get it working.

Here is the link to the test sheet.

So if the user enters the standard work date (Column J), column H will automatically change it to 1 year later from the SW Date. I would like to run this on a timer trigger so that when the Do Date is today's date, the value in Column H changes to Needs SW Owner Review automatically.

Thanks for the help!!



    Note: I assume that column H is a typo and should be column I on the statement So if the user enters the standard work date (Column J), column H will automatically change it to 1 year later from the SW Date. since column H is a drop-down from your example spreadsheet and column I is where the date on column J is added by a year.

    If you would like to run this on a timer trigger so that when the Do Date is today's date, the value in Column H changes to Needs SW Owner Review automatically. you can modify the function from an function onEdit(event) to a regular function so that it won't run on every edit and use Manage triggers manually to run it.

    To do this, click on Triggers > + Add Trigger on the left of the Google Apps Script Editor.



    This is the modified version script:

    const myFunction = () => {
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
      var vl = ss.getRange(2, 8, ss.getLastRow(), 2).getValues();
      vl.forEach((r, i) => {
        var ci = r[1];
        var cid = new Date(ci);
        var td = new Date();
        var tdd = new Date(td.getFullYear(), td.getMonth(), td.getDate());
        cid.getTime() == tdd.getTime() ? ss.getRange(i + 2, 8).setValue("Needs SW Owner Review") : null;