I'm using Apps Script to try and create an automated report from Sheets. The email is to pull in a simple table which consists of a header row of working days in the week, then a second row which contains a list of names which are absent on 'x' day. This list contains information condensed from other formulas: =TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10), TRUE, C8:C15)
I've tried following this guide and adapting to my needs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-g73gCpS4o
I'm almost there and can get the table in my email however the CHAR(10)
is lost in the process and destroying the formatting of the table.
I've got the following files. I assume the issue / resolution will have to be in my dataCollector.gs file:
function myFunction() {
// connect to html template
var html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("email");
// make data collection available to html files
html.dataCollect = dataCollector(1800699589);
// connect to the template so we can send it in email
var emailConnect = html.evaluate().getContent();
// send email
"Planned Absence - Next Week",
"Please see .....",
{htmlBody: emailConnect}
function dataCollector(sheet_id){
// access the workbook
var wb = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// access all sheets in workbook
var sheets = wb.getSheets();
// loop through sheets
for(i in sheets){
// conditional to evaluate the sheet ids
if(sheets[i].getSheetId() == sheet_id){
//identify the sheet name
var sheetName = sheets[i].getSheetName();
// access the sheet
var dataSheet = wb.getSheetByName(sheetName);
// access the data range
var dataRange = dataSheet.getRange(1,1,3,5).getDisplayValues()
// return statement
return dataRange;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('css').getContent(); ?>
<p>Hello, this is email</p>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][0] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][1] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][2] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][3] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][4] ?></th>
<td><?= dataCollect[2][0] ?></td>
<td><?= dataCollect[2][1] ?></td>
<td><?= dataCollect[2][2] ?></td>
<td><?= dataCollect[2][3] ?></td>
<td><?= dataCollect[2][4] ?></td>
I've tried to use .replace(/n, <br>)
on my variable dataRange. Replace does not work unless it is converted to a string.
I tried converting it to a string and then using .replace and I end up losing the entire table and just get two letters showing in my email.
Screenshot of the sheets page to help understand:
Screenshot of the email results:
Using <br>
is correct and I tried using this line of code .replace("\\n", "<br />")
to get the result there seems to be an error. I added some lines of code in your Code.gs
and Email.html
Sample Data:
function myFunction() {
// connect to html template
var html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("email");
// make data collection available to html files
html.dataCollect = dataCollector(0);
// Sets the days to remove the CHAR(10) in each names in day
let days = []
// Nested for loop.
for (let i = 0; i < dataCollector(0)[2].length; i++) {
if (!dataCollector(0)[2][i]) {
} else {
const tempData = dataCollector(0)[2][i].split("\n");
let day = [];
for (let o = 0; o < tempData.length; o++) {
html.day = days;
// connect to the template so we can send it in email
var emailConnect = html.evaluate().getContent();
// send email
["sample@email.com", "sample@email.com"],
"Planned Absence - Next Week",
"Please see .....",
{ htmlBody: emailConnect })
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('css').getContent(); ?>
<p>Hello, this is email</p>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][0] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][1] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][2] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][3] ?></th>
<th><?= dataCollect[1][4] ?></th>
<? for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ?>
<? for (let o = 0; o < day[i].length; o++) { ?>
<?= day[i][o] ?><br>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
Before Result:
After Result: