I want to build a project with a couple of gradle plugins on the machine without internet connection. I have a private maven repo with all of dependencies for this project, except .pom file for gradle plugins. How can I grab it from plugins.gradle.org and publish to my private repo?
This code, using Kotlin DSL, defines a task getThePoms
which obtains the POMs from the artifacts added to configuration pomConfiguration
1 and hosted at the Gradle Plugin Portal, and copies them to build/poms
Note you need to specify the artifact coordinates in the dependencies
block, not the Gradle plugin ids, which are part of a separate lookup mechanism.
val pomConfigurationName = "pomConfiguration"
repositories {
val pomConfiguration = configurations.register(pomConfigurationName) {
isTransitive = false // We only want the declared dependencies
dependencies {
tasks.register<Copy>("getThePoms") {
val componentIds = pomConfiguration.get().resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.map { it.id.componentIdentifier }
val artifactQueryResult = dependencies.createArtifactResolutionQuery()
.withArtifacts(MavenModule::class.java, MavenPomArtifact::class.java)
val pomFiles = artifactQueryResult.resolvedComponents
.flatMap { component -> component.getArtifacts(MavenPomArtifact::class) }
.map { result -> (result as ResolvedArtifactResult).file }
1 Here using the Kotlin Gradle plugin and Kotlin serialization plugin as examples.