Say I have two parent & child components respectively:
Parent Component:
selector: 'app-parent',
template: `<app-child [id]="id()"></app-child>`, // this gives compilation error
standalone: true
export class ParentComponent {
id = signal<number | undefined>;
Child component:
selector: 'app-child',
standalone: true
export class ChildComponent {
id = input.required<number>();
Since, child component does not accept undefined value, it gives below error: Type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'.
I tried wrapping the child element in @if (id() !== undefined) {}. But it still gives the same error because it is a signal and hence can give a different value at different point of time.
I tried creating @let variable and tried passing it to child component, but Angular does not allow temporary variables like these to be passed on.
You can leverage the new @let
to get the necessary type narrowing
@let myId = id();
if(myId) {
<app-child [id]="myId"></app-child>