
Using apply functions in R to run function element by element over matrices

I want to calculate growing degree days with several bases, using minimum daily temp, and maximum daily temp. I would like to do this without a for loop if possible to minimize my code.

bases <- c(40,45,50)
tmin <- runif(10,30,70)
tmax <- runif(10,55,95)

I want to find the number of growing degree days for each base for each of the ten days I have fake temperature data for. There should be 10 output values for each of the 3 bases.
I've tried mapply as follows:

gdd_func <- function(tmin,tmax,bases){
   (tmin + tmax)/2 - bases}

test <- mapply(gdd_func,tmin,tmax,bases)

This produces an incorrect output where I honestly don't know what it's doing. I want the output to be equal to running the above function 3 different times with the different bases. Each output would have 10 gdd values corresponding to the differing bases. How would I do this using an apply function of some kind? Or do I need something more?


  • I think you should encapsulate tmin and tmax within a list, e.g.,

    > mapply(gdd_func, list(tmin), list(tmax), bases)
               [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
     [1,] 19.119648 14.119648  9.119648
     [2,]  6.119249  1.119249 -3.880751
     [3,] 19.523350 14.523350  9.523350
     [4,] 13.023240  8.023240  3.023240
     [5,] 31.083015 26.083015 21.083015
     [6,] 32.281061 27.281061 22.281061
     [7,] 18.062584 13.062584  8.062584
     [8,] 18.047198 13.047198  8.047198
     [9,] 21.518514 16.518514 11.518514
    [10,] 28.440563 23.440563 18.440563