I'm trying to write a test for a class which performs a pandas apply. Here's a simplified version:
import pandas as pd
class Foo:
def bar(self, row):
return "BAR"
def apply(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
df["value"] = df.apply(self.bar, axis=1)
Here's the test I've attempted to write:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from my_module import Foo
class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_apply_1(self): # passes
foo = Foo()
df = pd.DataFrame([1])
self.assertEqual(df["value"].values[0], "BAR")
def test_apply_2(self): # fails
foo = Foo()
df = pd.DataFrame([1])
with patch.object(Foo, "bar") as mock_bar:
mock_bar.return_value = "BAZ"
self.assertEqual(df["value"].values[0], "BAZ")
def test_apply_3(self): # fails
foo = Foo()
df = pd.DataFrame([1])
with patch.object(foo, "bar") as mock_bar:
mock_bar.return_value = "BAZ"
self.assertEqual(df["value"].values[0], "BAZ")
When I run this test, test_apply_2 and test_apply_3 fail with error:
ValueError: No objects to concatenate
which indicates to me that the patch isn't working properly. What am I getting wrong here?
I figured it out; it's due to https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/45298 ; the right way to test would be:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
from my_module import Foo
class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase):
@patch.object(Foo, "bar", return_value="BAZ", new_callable=Mock)
def test_apply_2(self): # succeeds
foo = Foo()
df = pd.DataFrame([1])
self.assertEqual(df["value"].values[0], "BAZ")