Suppose I need to shuffle some value from lane 29 to 30 and also from 30 to 31; what mask should I use?
Of course the mask should cover lane 30, 31 AND 29 (cuda guide says the source lane also needs to participate); but then the command must be called on lane 29 -- so do I need to continually expand the mask (finally to the full mask in this case) or do I just use 0xE0000000 and let the undefined result be returned for lane 29 (it doesn't need the result anyway)?
The way a __shfl
works is that every (partaking) thread presents its own value first and after that every threads takes a value from the pool. So, only the source is given, the dest, is always the asking thread.
You can model this using shared memory, I find it easier to picture it that way:
int shared_shfl(int old, int source) {
//note shfl uses neither shared memory nor registers
__shared__ int warpdata[32]; //one for every thread in the warp
//step one: every thread presents its data
warpdata[threadIdx.x] = old;
//step 2 synchronize
//step 3: get your data.
//Every thread can choose a different source, dest is always self.
const auto new = warpdata[source];
return new;
OK, let's list your requirements
29->29 //dest 29, offset = 0
29->30 //dest 30, offset = 1
30->31 //dest 31, offset = 1
It is perfectly valid for different threads to have a different offset.
The code will look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
__global__ void shfl_29() {
auto dummydata = threadIdx.x % 32;
const auto activemask = 0b111u << 29;
const auto laneid = threadIdx.x % 32;
const auto offset = int(laneid > 29); //29 = 0, else 1
//the if statement must match the activemask, or your code will A: deadlock or B: not work.
if (laneid >= 29) {
dummydata = __shfl_up_sync(activemask, dummydata, offset);
printf("old: %i, new: %i\n", laneid, dummydata);
int main() {
You can see it in action on Godbolt:
However, you need to be aware that using anything other than -1
as the activemask makes the shfl (and really any sync instruction) much slower.
A faster way to do this would be:
__global__ void shfl_29() {
auto dummydata = threadIdx.x % 32;
constexpr auto all = -1u;
const auto laneid = threadIdx.x % 32;
const auto offset = int(laneid > 29); //<=29? = 0, else 1
dummydata = __shfl_up_sync(all, dummydata, offset);
printf("old: %i, new: %i\n", laneid, dummydata);
If you time this, you'll see that the latter version runs about 10x faster, see: