I have a parent directory that contains many sub directories. I want to replace the underscore with a space in all directories and files within each directory. What's the best / quickest way to achieve this using Powershell?
folder_1 -- file_1.mp4 -- file_1.srt -- file_1.vtt folder_2 -- file_2.mp4 -- file_2.srt -- file_2.vtt folder_3 -- file_3.mp4 -- file_3.srt file_3.vtt
folder 1 -- file 1.mp4 -- file 1.srt -- file 1.vtt folder 2 -- file 2.mp4 -- file 2.srt -- file 2.vtt folder 3 -- file 3.mp4 -- file 3.srt -- file 3.vtt
Thanks in advance!
get-childitem *.* | foreach { rename-item $_ $_.Name.Replace("_", " ") }
get-childitem -recurse | foreach { rename-item $_ $_.name.replace("_"," ") }
I have tried these but they only half do what I want.
Here. I split everything in 3 operations, because it's better to rename the files first and the directories second, so to not use multiple Get-ChildItem
I got them all in a variable at the start.
# Get all directories and subdirectories having a Underscore(_) in their Name.
$DirectoryList = Get-ChildItem -Path $BasePath -Recurse |
Where-Object -Property BaseName -Match '_'
#Rename all files
$DirectoryList | Where-Object { $_.gettype().name -eq 'FileInfo' } |
Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.Replace('_', ' ') }
# Rename all directories
$DirectoryList | Where-Object { $_.gettype().name -eq 'DirectoryInfo' } |
# Added sort so to rename the directory recursively starting from the
# deepest to avoid errors.
Sort-Object -Descending { $_.FullName.split([io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar).count } |
Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.Replace('_', ' ') }