I have a list of Door entry timing with multiple date. So I am trying to find the first entry timing of the day and the last entry timing of the same day.
Column D & E is done being manually input. I wish to use VBA loop to do it.
By using the Normal excel function, i have tried using the function LARGE & SMALL to find the first and last timing of the day.
Example: LARGE(IF(A1 = A1:A100,ROW(A1:A100)),1) which would return me the Largest row then I use INDEX.
Therefore I am wondering if I can do the same or is there a simpler way to do it in VBA so I can get the result in Column D & E.
So Far this is how far i got:
Sub testing2()
Dim dateList As Range
newLR = Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
dateList = Sheet3.Range("a1:a" & newLR).Value
For x = 1 To newLR
If Sheet3.Cells(x, 1) = dateList Then
Sheet3.Cells(x, 4) = 3
End If
Next x
End Sub
Not sure why you want to do it with VBA if it can be easily done using a pivot table or a formula, if you have Excel 365:
days, UNIQUE(dates),
earliest, BYROW(days, LAMBDA(day, MIN(IF(dates=day, times)))),
latest, BYROW(days, LAMBDA(day, MAX(IF(dates=day, times)))),
result, HSTACK(days, earliest, latest),
or in a slightly different way:
dates, A2:A30,
times, B2:B30,
days, UNIQUE(dates),
earliest, MAP(days, LAMBDA(day, MINIFS(times, dates, day))),
latest, MAP(days, LAMBDA(day, MAXIFS(times, dates, day))),
HSTACK(days, earliest, latest)
or perhaps:
data, A2:B30,
days, UNIQUE(INDEX(data,,1)),
times, LAMBDA(day, FILTER(INDEX(data,,2), INDEX(data,,1)=day)),
earliest, BYROW(days, LAMBDA(day, MIN(times(day)))),
latest, BYROW(days, LAMBDA(day, MAX(times(day)))),
HSTACK(days, earliest, latest)
or if you want it with two columns:
days, UNIQUE(dates),
earliest, BYROW(days, LAMBDA(day, MIN(IF(dates=day, times)))),
latest, BYROW(days, LAMBDA(day, MAX(IF(dates=day, times)))),
repeatedDays, VSTACK(days, days),
inout, VSTACK(earliest, latest),
result, HSTACK(repeatedDays, inout),