I have now been trying for days to do this and I am incapable of getting anywhere. I hope I can make this understandable to whoever reads this. My goal is, in R, to turn this dataframe:
taxonomicStatus | taxonRank | name | parent |
accepted | order | Apusomonadida | Obazoa |
accepted | family | Apusomonadidae | Apusomonadida |
accepted | genus | Amastigomonas | Apusomonadidae |
accepted | species | Amastigomonas marisrubri | Amastigomonas |
accepted | subfamily | Apusomonadinae | Apusomonadidae |
accepted | genus | Apusomonas | Apusomonadinae |
accepted | species | Apusomonas proboscidea | Apusomonas |
synonym | genus | Rostromonas | Apusomonadinae |
synonym | species | Rostromonas proboscidea | Rostromonas |
Into this one:
taxonomicStatus | taxonRank | name | parent | speciesCount |
accepted | order | Apusomonadida | Obazoa | 2 |
accepted | family | Apusomonadidae | Apusomonadida | 2 |
accepted | genus | Amastigomonas | Apusomonadidae | 1 |
accepted | species | Amastigomonas marisrubri | Amastigomonas | 1 |
accepted | subfamily | Apusomonadinae | Apusomonadidae | 1 |
accepted | genus | Apusomonas | Apusomonadinae | 1 |
accepted | species | Apusomonas proboscidea | Apusomonas | 1 |
synonym | genus | Rostromonas | Apusomonadinae | NA |
synonym | species | Rostromonas proboscidea | Rostromonas | NA |
In essence, I want an R script that:
If it's 'synonym', make 'speciesCount' = NA.
If it's 'accepted', 2nd step.
If it's 'species', make speciesCount = 1.
If it's not 'species', 3rd step.
I have achieved this in Google Sheets with the following formula in the speciesColumn cell of each row (row 2 in this example):
where A2 is the taxonomicStatus value, B2 is the taxonRank value, D2 is the name value, I:I is the entire parent column, and C:C is the entire speciesCount column.
However, attempting this in R for hours has given me two different bad outcomes:
taxonomicStatus | taxonRank | name | parent | speciesCount |
accepted | order | Apusomonadida | Obazoa | 0 |
accepted | family | Apusomonadidae | Apusomonadida | 0 |
accepted | genus | Amastigomonas | Apusomonadidae | 1 |
accepted | species | Amastigomonas marisrubri | Amastigomonas | 1 |
accepted | subfamily | Apusomonadinae | Apusomonadidae | 0 |
accepted | genus | Apusomonas | Apusomonadinae | 1 |
accepted | species | Apusomonas proboscidea | Apusomonas | 1 |
synonym | genus | Rostromonas | Apusomonadinae | NA |
synonym | species | Rostromonas proboscidea | Rostromonas | NA |
Please help. I have even tried to get a usable script from ChatGPT, all in vain. Thank you in advance.
This is what remains of my countless hours of trial and errors. Keep in mind that I have no idea how to even go about this formula at the 3rd step, because I have not found a coherent answer anywhere:
data <- data.frame(
taxonomicStatus = c("accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "synonym", "synonym"),
taxonRank = c("order", "family", "genus", "species", "subfamily", "genus", "species", "genus", "species"),
name = c("Apusomonadida", "Apusomonadidae", "Amastigomonas", "Amastigomonas marisrubri", "Apusomonadinae", "Apusomonas", "Apusomonas proboscidea", "Rostromonas", "Rostromonas proboscidea"),
parent = c("Obazoa", "Apusomonadida", "Apusomonadidae", "Amastigomonas", "Apusomonadidae", "Apusomonadinae", "Apusomonas", "Apusomonadinae", "Rostromonas")
data$speciesCount <- NA
species_count <- function(speciesCount) {
if(data$taxonomicStatus == "synonym" ) {
else if (data$taxonRank == "species") {
else {data$speciesCount=aggregate(data$name ~ data$parent, data, sum)}
This is the "solution" that chatGPT suggested to me and then failed either by error message or by incomplete result:
data <- data.frame(
taxonomicStatus = c("accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "accepted", "synonym", "synonym"),
taxonRank = c("order", "family", "genus", "species", "subfamily", "genus", "species", "genus", "species"),
name = c("Apusomonadida", "Apusomonadidae", "Amastigomonas", "Amastigomonas marisrubri", "Apusomonadinae", "Apusomonas", "Apusomonas proboscidea", "Rostromonas", "Rostromonas proboscidea"),
parent = c("Obazoa", "Apusomonadida", "Apusomonadidae", "Amastigomonas", "Apusomonadidae", "Apusomonadinae", "Apusomonas", "Apusomonadinae", "Rostromonas")
data$speciesCount <- NA
data <- data %>%
mutate(speciesCount = ifelse(taxonRank == "species" & taxonomicStatus == "accepted", 1, NA))
# Function to fill in speciesCount values iteratively
fill_species_counts <- function(data) {
# Create a list to track which nodes need to be updated
needs_update <- which(is.na(data$speciesCount))
# Keep track of the number of rows for iteration
n <- nrow(data)
repeat {
# Flag to check if any updates were made
updated <- FALSE
# Iterate over all parents needing updates
for (i in needs_update) {
parent_name <- data$name[i]
# Calculate total speciesCount for current parent
children_counts <- data %>%
filter(parent == parent_name) %>%
# Calculate total sum excluding NAs
sum_count <- sum(children_counts, na.rm = TRUE)
# Update speciesCount if it's NA or different from the calculated sum
if (is.na(data$speciesCount[i]) || data$speciesCount[i] != sum_count) {
data$speciesCount[i] <- sum_count
updated <- TRUE
# Check if we need to continue updating
needs_update <- which(is.na(data$speciesCount))
if (!updated || length(needs_update) == 0) {
# Fill speciesCount values
final_df <- fill_species_counts(df)
Recursive implementation because why not? The graph solution is probably more efficient I might guess.
Seems to work at least for this super clean subset of the data provided.
# data with id's
data$index <- seq_len(nrow(data))
# Function to get species count of one row
# Where x = index
# df is always the full dataset
get_species_count <- function(x, df) {
# If synonym, speciesCount <- NA
if (df[x, "taxonomicStatus"] %in% "synonym") return(NA)
# If species, speciesCount <- 1
if (df[x, "taxonRank"] %in% "species") return(1)
# else, gather every child
no.synonyms <- df[!(df$taxonomicStatus %in% "synonym"), ]
all.children <- no.synonyms[no.synonyms$parent %in% df[x, "name"], ]
# if no children, speciesCount <- 0
if (nrow(all.children) == 0) return(0)
# else, recurse through each child
X = as.numeric(all.children$index),
FUN = get_species_count,
df = df
) |> unlist() |> sum(na.rm = TRUE)
# Apply get_species_count() to every row
data$speciesCount <- lapply(
X = seq_len(nrow(data)),
FUN = get_species_count,
df = data
) |>
# Remove index
data$index <- NULL
taxonomicStatus taxonRank name parent speciesCount
1 accepted order Apusomonadida Obazoa 2
2 accepted family Apusomonadidae Apusomonadida 2
3 accepted genus Amastigomonas Apusomonadidae 1
4 accepted species Amastigomonas marisrubri Amastigomonas 1
5 accepted subfamily Apusomonadinae Apusomonadidae 1
6 accepted genus Apusomonas Apusomonadinae 1
7 accepted species Apusomonas proboscidea Apusomonas 1
8 synonym genus Rostromonas Apusomonadinae NA
9 synonym species Rostromonas proboscidea Rostromonas NA