I have a problem with quarto beamer. I want to remove the word "Section 1" when I start the new section. Or, can we customize the "Section 1"?
title: "Markov Chain"
author: "Fariz"
theme: Boadilla
colortheme: whale
1. Introduction (Ch 4.1)
2. Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations (Ch 4.2)
3. Classification of States (Ch 4.3)
# Introduction (Ch 4.1)
## Deifinition of Markov Chains
I have tried several solutions, but nothing worked. The solution I need is directly in the quarto document without using external latex template.
You can defined your own section page:
title: "Markov Chain"
author: "Fariz"
theme: Boadilla
colortheme: whale
- \setbeamertemplate{section page}{\centering\begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=12pt,center,colsep=-4bp,rounded=true,shadow=true]{part title}\usebeamerfont{section title}\insertsection\par\end{beamercolorbox}}
1. Introduction (Ch 4.1)
2. Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations (Ch 4.2)
3. Classification of States (Ch 4.3)
# Introduction (Ch 4.1)
## Deifinition of Markov Chains