
BMP Image Processing in Intel Mac

I was using 'sips' in powerpc machine to process the bmp images. But the same sips in imac is not processing the images which powerpc mac can. It just simply tells that the image is not valid. But it opens fine in windows, linux and power pc mac.
Here is the Scenario : I use bmp images in my mac apple script installer. The bmp images are supplied by my customers. The issue i face is, when i compile the applescript installer with the customer provided images, i get an shrinked image in the installer. But when the images are saved in powerpc mac and compiled,it worked fine.

So i used sips just to save the images in powerpc. But intel mac machines are not accepting the images.

Can anyone tell me how to overcome this problem ..? I would need to get sips work or other terminal based program to process the images in intel mac machine. Please someone shed light on this one.


  • You didn't specify exactly what you were doing to the images, but ImageMagick is always an excellent choice for command-line image processing.