When I store data in a dictionary, the memory is not released after it goes out of scope or is set to Nothing. I have to explicitly use the RemoveAll method to release the memory.
This problem occurs exclusively with Office 365 64-bit and not with the previously used 32-bit version.
For Example:
Public Sub testDict()
Dim dict As Dictionary
Dim i As Long
Set dict = New Dictionary
For i = 1 To 100000
dict.Add i, Format(i, "0000000000")
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
If dict.RemoveAll is not used in this example, the memory will not be released after the Sub is finished. Every new execution of this Sub will use new memory.
Releasing the memory with the RemoveAll method will not work for nested dictionarys.
For Example:
Public Sub testNestedDict()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim dict As Dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary
For i = 1 To 10
dict.Add i, New Dictionary
For j = 1 To 10
dict(i).Add j, New Dictionary
For k = 1 To 10
dict(i)(j).Add k, New Dictionary
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
In this case every execution will eat up about ~10MB of memory. I even tried to build a function which erases the dictionary recursively.
Public Sub testNestedDict()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim dict As Dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary
For i = 1 To 10
dict.Add i, New Dictionary
For j = 1 To 10
dict(i).Add j, New Dictionary
For k = 1 To 10
dict(i)(j).Add k, New Dictionary
dictErase dict
End Sub
Public Function dictErase(ByRef dict As Dictionary)
Dim key As Variant
If dict Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
For Each key In dict.Keys()
If TypeOf dict(key) Is Dictionary Then
dictErase dict(key)
End If
Set dict = Nothing
End Function
This also did not work.
It seems that this issue isn’t confined to dictionaries alone. In the 64-bit version of VBA, memory for out-of-scope variables doesn’t appear to be released properly, or at least behaves differently compared to the 32-bit version.
Not working version: Microsoft® Excel® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2408 Build 16.0.17928.20114) 64 Bit
Working version: Microsoft® Excel® 2019 MSO (16.0.10413.20020) 32-Bit
Today, I installed Version 2409 (Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO, Version 2409 Build 16.0.18025.20030, 64-bit). With this update, memory is now being released properly.