
Finding longest substring without repeating characters

I'm trying to solve LeetCode 3: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.

I'm implementing the Sliding Window method, which consists of using a left and a right pointer to contract and expand the window. I'm also using a std::set to store the characters of the string.

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>    //for std::max()

//Sliding window
int lengthOfLongestSubstring(std::string s)
    std::set<char> charSet;       
    int length = s.size();
    int left = 0;
    int right;
    int longest = 0;      //value we should return

    for(right = 0; right < length; right++) 
        char c = s[right];  //get each element of the string

        //if character already exist in the set
        while (charSet.count(c)) //while we found a character that is a duplicate, we'll contract the window by increase the left pointer + 1
            charSet.erase(s[left]);      //removing the element where left pointer is pointing at
            left += 1;                      //increase the left pointer

        charSet.insert(c); //store the current element into the set

        int w = left - right + 1;           //calculate window length
        longest = std::max(longest, w);     //update longest with longest current window length

    return longest;


int main()
    std::string s{"abcabcbb"};

    std::cout << lengthOfLongestSubstring(s);

    return 0;



The correct output should be 3.


  • Basically your code have silly mistake in this line:

    int w = left - right + 1;           //calculate window length


    Correcting that to:

    int w = right - left + 1;           //calculate window length

    and tests are passing: https://godbolt.org/z/sfqzvhbc8

    Anyway there is better faster solution, with this I've got 0 time (100% faster then others) and using less memory then 93.55% of other submissions.