
Extracting the date and time out of a date and time format

I am trying to extract the date and time out of the following but am having some difficulties in the format. I have the following object "2024-10-10T12:57:26.61Z" and am trying to get it into the format of "2024-10-10 12:57:26". This is in character class.

I've currently tried as.POSIXct() but that only returns "2024-10-10 BST" without the time which is need here. My guess is that the issue is mostly to do with class of the object


  • You need to specify the format, using T to separate the date from the time is not recognised by default (though some add-on packages do). Also the time zone by default becomes the local time zone:

    > as.POSIXct("2024-10-10T12:57:26.61Z", format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")  
    [1] "2024-10-10 12:57:26 CDT"      

    This converts it into 'compact' form, a single (double) value. You can also use 'long' form after which you can access the components:

    > x <- as.POSIXlt("2024-10-10T12:57:26.61Z", format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    > x
    [1] "2024-10-10 12:57:26 CDT"
    > unlist(x)
       sec    min   hour   mday    mon   year   wday   yday  isdst   zone gmtoff 
      "26"   "57"   "12"   "10"    "9"  "124"    "4"  "283"    "1"  "CDT"     NA 

    The components are described on the help page, in particular year is the actual year minus 1900, and months start at zero not one.

    Once parsed as a proper (date)time object, you can format to your liking. The format you show is the default format (and a good ISO standard).