I would like to get union type from rest property as a generic. I want to conditionally set return type of function based on that if there is at least one element in rest property which is not string or number.
type TTranslationResult<T> = T extends number | string
? string
: ReactNode | ReactNode[];
export default function translate<T extends ReactNode = string>(
key: TDictionaryKey,
...params: T[]
): TTranslationResult<T> {
I would expect T to be string | ReactNode
when I send something like this to the function:
'some string',
<LinkText href={`foo`}>
Instead it infers type of the first property in the array
I found out the solution. You have to expect T to be an array, not element of an array.
type TTranslationResult<T> = T extends (number | string)[]
? string
: ReactNode | ReactNode[];
export default function translate<T extends ReactNode[] = string[]>(
key: TDictionaryKey,
...params: T
): TTranslationResult<T> {