So I want to add a sqlRestriction in my criteria because my data field needs to be trimmed before I want to check it.
I tried adding it in my existing filter like this
public List<FooBarZ> findByFilter(Filter filter) {
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(getPersistentClass());
String alias = getAlias(criteria); // outputs "this."
criteria.add(eq(alias + "foo", filter.getFoo());
criteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("trim(" + alias + "bar) like %" + filter.getBar()));
return findByCriteria(criteria, 0, filter.getMaxRows());
so my criterionEntries look like this
trim( like %2
now If this query gets run (Hibernate) I get my bad sql grammar error
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; bad SQL grammar
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: unknown token: in statement[
this_.IDFOO as IDFOO,
this_.IDBAR as IDBAR
TABLE this_
where trim( like %2
So I can see why the syntax is wrong but I dont understand why. Why is my this.field not correctly mapped to the db field? Why is this where shown and not the previous one?
how to fix this?
have data in my db that contains whitespace which i need to be removed before I can filter
so my filter X should match dbvalue '0X '
My filter works perfectly fine without this trim one but I want to add this.
sqlRestriction should directly use {alias}.COLUMNNAME
criteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("trim(" + alias + "bar) like %" + filter.getBar()));
"trim({alias}.IDBAR) like ?",
"%" + filter.getBar(),