
VBA code has Run Time 1004 Error midway through copying data

I am trying to take data from a table and copy it over to another sheet based on an employee's position and contract #. The issue is that on some of the contract #s (but not all) the code will stop executing midway through the table and give a

Run-time error 1004
Application-defined or object-defined error.

The odd part is that up until this point the code is working perfectly. The code is throwing the error the when I try calling WhatPosition within the for loop in the Move function. I have also tried running the code without those two lines, only filling in columns a and b, and it works totally fine through the whole list.

Sub Hourly()
  Call Move("1")
 ' Call Move("2")
 ' Call Move("3")
 ' Call Move("4")
End Sub
Public Function LastRow(sheet, col) As Integer
    Dim wb2 As Excel.Workbook
    Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("wb2")
        With wb2.Worksheets(sheet)
            Dim lr As Integer:  lr = .Cells(.Rows.count, col).End(xlUp).Row
        End With
    LastRow = lr
End Function
Sub Move(contract)
    Dim wb1 As Excel.Workbook
    Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("wb1")
    Dim s1 As Excel.Worksheet
    Set s1 = wb1.Worksheets("sheet1")
    Dim wb2 As Excel.Workbook
    Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("wb2")
        Dim oList As ListObject
        Set oList = s1.ListObjects("table1")
        Dim oRow As ListRow
        Dim test As Long
        Dim count As Integer
        count = 1
        For Each oRow In oList.ListRows
            count = count + 1
            If s1.Cells(count, 5).Value = contract Then
                test = test + 1
                wb2.Worksheets(WhatTab(contract)).Cells(LastRow(WhatTab(contract), 1) + 1, 1).Value = s1.Cells(count, 1).Value
                wb2.Worksheets(WhatTab(contract)).Cells(LastRow(WhatTab(contract), 2) + 1, 2).Value = s1.Cells(count, 3).Value
                wb2.Worksheets(WhatTab(contract)).Cells(LastRow(WhatTab(contract), 1), WhatPosition(contract, count, s1)).Value = s1.Cells(count, 6).Value
                wb2.Worksheets(WhatTab(contract)).Cells(LastRow(WhatTab(contract), 1), WhatPosition(contract, count, s1) + 1).Value = s1.Cells(count, 7).Value
            End If
        Next oRow
End Sub

Public Function WhatTab(contract) As String
    If contract = "1" Then
        WhatTab = "1"
        If contract = "2" Then
        WhatTab = "2"
            If contract = "3" Then
            WhatTab = "3 e"
                If contract = "4" Then
                WhatTab = "4 e"
                Else: MsgBox "New Contract Number or Changed Sheet Name"
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Function
Public Function WhatPosition(contract, counter, sheet) As Integer
    Dim wb1 As Excel.Workbook
    Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("wb1")
    Dim s1 As Excel.Worksheet
    Set s1 = wb1.Worksheets("sheet1")
    Dim position As String
    position = s1.Cells(counter, 4).Value
    If contract = "3" Then
            If position = "a" Then
            WhatPosition = 3
                If position = "b" Then
                WhatPosition = 10
                    If position = "c" Then
                    WhatPosition = 17
                        If position = "d" Then
                        WhatPosition = 24
                            If position = "e" Then
                            WhatPosition = 31
                                If position = "f" Then
                                WhatPosition = 38
                                    If position = "g" Then
                                    WhatPosition = 45
                                        If position = "h" Then
                                        WhatPosition = 52
                                            If position = "i" Then
                                            WhatPosition = 59
                                                If position = "j" Then
                                                WhatPosition = 66
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        If position = "a" Then
            WhatPosition = 3
                If position = "b" Then
                WhatPosition = 7
                    If position = "c" Then
                    WhatPosition = 11
                        If position = "d" Then
                        WhatPosition = 15
                            If position = "e" Then
                            WhatPosition = 19
                                If position = "f" Then
                                WhatPosition = 23
                                    If position = "g" Then
                                    WhatPosition = 27
                                        If position = "h" Then
                                        WhatPosition = 31
                                            If position = "i" Then
                                            WhatPosition = 35
                                                If position = "j" Then
                                                WhatPosition = 39
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    End If
End Function

To reiterate, the code, including the code calling WhatPosition, works as intended and copies the data until midway through the list it's looping through (table1 which is on sheet1 in wb1). It is giving this issue consistently on contracts 1 and 2, 3 and 4 always work fine. It always stops at the exact same rows, count 24 for contract 1 and 22 for contract 2; there is nothing unusual about these rows in the table.


  • As Tim said - A bunch of suggestions below. Compiled but not tested:

    Sub Hourly()
      Call Move("1")
     ' Call Move("2")
     ' Call Move("3")
     ' Call Move("4")
    End Sub
    Sub Move(Contract As String)
        Dim wb1 As Excel.Workbook
        Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("wb1")
        Dim s1 As Excel.Worksheet
        Set s1 = wb1.Worksheets("sheet1")
        Dim wb2 As Excel.Workbook
        Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("wb2")
        Dim oList As ListObject
        Set oList = s1.ListObjects("table1")
        Dim oRow As ListRow
        Dim r As Long, PositionColumn As Long, NewRow As Long
        Dim WhatWorksheet As Worksheet
        Dim Position As String
        Dim Source As Range
        For r = 1 To oList.ListRows.Count
            Set Source = oList.ListRows(r).Range
            If Source(1, 5).Value = Contract Then
                Set WhatWorksheet = GetWhatWorksheet(Contract, wb2)
                If Not WhatWorksheet Is Nothing Then
                    Position = s1.Cells(r, 4).Value
                    PositionColumn = WhatPositionColumn(Contract, Position)
                    With WhatWorksheet
                        NewRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
                        .Cells(NewRow, 1).Value = Source(1, 1).Value
                        .Cells(NewRow, 2).Value = Source(1, 3).Value
                        .Cells(NewRow, PositionColumn).Value = Source(1, 6).Value
                        .Cells(NewRow, PositionColumn + 1).Value = Source(1, 7).Value
                    End With
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
    Public Function GetWhatWorksheet(Contract As String, wb As Workbook) As Worksheet
        Dim WorksheetName As String
        WorksheetName = WhatTab(Contract)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set GetWhatWorksheet = wb.Worksheets(WorksheetName)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Debug.Print "Worksheet("; WorksheetName; ") for"; Contract; "not found"
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    Public Function WhatTab(Contract As String) As String
        Select Case Contract
            Case "1"
                WhatTab = "1"
            Case "2"
                WhatTab = "2"
            Case "3"
                WhatTab = "3 e"
            Case "4"
                WhatTab = "4 e"
            Case Else
                MsgBox "New Contract Number or Changed Sheet Name"
        End Select
    End Function
    Public Function WhatPositionColumn(Contract As String, Position As String) As Long
        If Contract = "3" Then
            WhatPositionColumn = Switch( _
                Position = "a", 3, _
                Position = "b", 10, _
                Position = "c", 17, _
                Position = "d", 24, _
                Position = "e", 31, _
                Position = "f", 38, _
                Position = "g", 45, _
                Position = "h", 52, _
                Position = "i", 59, _
                Position = "j", 66 _
            WhatPositionColumn = Switch( _
                Position = "a", 3, _
                Position = "b", 7, _
                Position = "c", 11, _
                Position = "d", 15, _
                Position = "e", 19, _
                Position = "f", 23, _
                Position = "g", 27, _
                Position = "h", 31, _
                Position = "i", 35, _
                Position = "j", 39 _
        End If
    End Function

    Note: Although, not an issue here. There is no advantage to using the Integer data-type which has a max value of 32,767, use Long instead which has a cap of 2,147,483,647. This will prevent an overflow error when working with large datasets.

    My aim was to demonstrate some techniques that will simplify and make the code easier to read and modify.