
How can I convert a hex value to RGBA, while matching the original color

Given a color and alpha value, I am trying to create an SCSS function that converts a hex color to rgba color, but compensating for the perceived change in color. I.e. If the new color is "flattened" from rgba to rgb, you get the original input color.


#F7F7F8 -> rgba(173, 181, 189,.1);

 background: rgba(173, 181, 189,.1);;
 background:rgb(21, 115, 71, .25);;
<div class="c1-in">color 1 in</div>
<div class="c1-out">color 1 out</div>
<div class="c2-in">color 2 in</div>
<div class="c2-out">color 2 out</div>

my attempt, not working

  @function toTrans($hex, $alpha) {
    $r: red($hex);
    $g: green($hex);
    $b: blue($hex);

    $new-r: ($r - (1 - $alpha) * 255) / $alpha;
    $new-g: ($g - (1 - $alpha) * 255) / $alpha;
    $new-b: ($b - (1 - $alpha) * 255) / $alpha;

    @return rgba(clamp($new-r, 0, 255), clamp($new-g, 0, 255), clamp($new-b, 0, 255), $alpha);


  • here is the answer found in another post

    here is another answer I came up with

    @function transparentify($color, $a, $bg: #fff) {
     $r: red($color);
     $g: green($color);
     $b: blue($color);
     $r-bg: red($bg);
     $g-bg: green($bg);
     $b-bg: blue($bg);
     $a-r-min: calc(($r - $r-bg) / (-0.1 - $r-bg));
     $a-r-max: calc(($r - $r-bg) / (254.99 - $r-bg));
     @if ($a-r-min>$a-r-max) {
       $temp: $a-r-min;
       $a-r-min: $a-r-max;
       $a-r-max: -$temp;
     $a-g-min: calc(($g - $g-bg) / (-0.1 - $g-bg));
     $a-g-max: calc(($g - $g-bg) / (254.99 - $g-bg));
     @if ($a-g-min>$a-g-max) {
       $temp: $a-g-min;
       $a-g-min: $a-g-max;
       $a-g-max: -$temp;
     $a-b-min: calc(($b - $b-bg) / (-0.01 - $b-bg));
     $a-b-max: calc(($b - $b-bg) / (254.99 - $b-bg));
     @if ($a-b-min>$a-b-max) {
       $temp: $a-b-min;
       $a-b-min: $a-b-max;
       $a-b-max: -$temp;
     $a-r-min: clamp(0, $a-r-min, 1);
     $a-r-max: clamp(0, $a-r-max, 1);
     $a-g-min: clamp(0, $a-g-min, 1);
     $a-g-max: clamp(0, $a-g-max, 1);
     $a-b-min: clamp(0, $a-b-min, 1);
     $a-b-max: clamp(0, $a-b-max, 1);
     $a-min: max($a-r-min, $a-g-min, $a-b-min);
     $a-max: min($a-r-max, $a-g-max, $a-b-max);
     // @debug alpha range $a_min to $a_max;
     @if ($a<$a-min or $a>$a-max) {
       @debug transparentify ERROR, alpha of $a is outside of range ($a_min to $a_max) for color $color on background $bg;
     $r-new: calc(($r - $r-bg) / $a) + $r-bg;
     $g-new: calc(($g - $g-bg) / $a) + $g-bg;
     $b-new: calc(($b - $b-bg) / $a) + $b-bg;
     @return rgba($r-new, $g-new, $b-new, $a);