I scaffolded a new vite project using pnpm create vite
. To make this reproducible, these were my choices when prompted:
I wanted to use TypeScript for the generated ./server.js
, and not only the code in ./src
, so I "converted" (i.e. renamed for now) server.js
to server.ts
At this point I realized I'd have to build ./server.ts
myself, and have vite build the so called server side entry point ./src/entry-server.ts
I'm using vite to avoid the nightmare of having to configure building TypeScript, so I'm wondering if it's feasible to set ./server.ts
itself as an entry point for the SSR build? That, and still have SSR working.
The part where I'm stuck is how to actually import ./src/entry-server.ts
, now that ./server.ts
is my entry point (i.e. render = (await import('./dist/server/entry-server.js')).render
doesn't work anymore now that entry-server.js
is no longer getting built).
I got this working. Here's what I did, in case it's useful to someone else.
is the vite ssr entry point and the script that node runs to start an express server. See package.json
further down to see how it's run.
import express from 'express'
import { ViteDevServer } from 'vite'
import { ssr } from '@/ssr'
const PORT = process.env.PORT && parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 5173
const STATIC_URL = process.env.STATIC_URL || '/static/'
const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'prod'
async function createServer() {
let vite: ViteDevServer | undefined
const app = express()
if (isProd) {
// Serve static files.
app.use(STATIC_URL, express.static('./dist/client'))
} else {
// Add vite middleware for static file serving, dev ssr, and hmr.
const { createServer } = await import('vite')
vite = await createServer({
server: { middlewareMode: true },
appType: 'custom',
// Serve HTML
app.use('', async (req, res) => {
try {
// TODO: Validate pageName and props.
const url = req.originalUrl
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(
Object.entries(req.query).map(([key, value]) => [key, String(value)])
const pageName = queryParams.get('page')
if (!pageName) {
res.status(400).send('A page name is required.')
// TODO: Get props from request.
const props = { msg: 'Hello from SSR!' }
// Render the page.
const html = await ssr(pageName, props, url, vite)
res.status(200).set({ 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }).send(html)
} catch (e) {
const err = e as Error
return app
createServer().then((app) => {
app.listen(PORT, '', () => {
console.log(`Server started at${PORT}`)
}).catch((err: Error) => {
uses import.meta.glob to preload components in prod (but a dynamic import like '(await import(./pages/${pageName}.vue
)).default' would also work). ssr.ts
also caches index.html
in prod, but reloads it on each request in dev.
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import path from 'path'
import { ViteDevServer } from 'vite'
import { Component, createSSRApp } from 'vue'
import { renderToString } from 'vue/server-renderer'
export const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'prod'
const __dirname = import.meta.dirname
// loadIndexHtml loads and caches index html in prod.
// It always reloads the html in dev.
let indexHtmlCache: string = ''
async function loadIndexHtml(originalUrl: string, vite?: ViteDevServer) {
if (isProd && indexHtmlCache === '') {
indexHtmlCache = await fs.readFile('./dist/client/index.html', 'utf-8')
} else if (vite) {
indexHtmlCache = await fs.readFile('./index.html', 'utf-8')
indexHtmlCache = await vite.transformIndexHtml(originalUrl, indexHtmlCache)
if (indexHtmlCache === '') {
throw Error("Failed to load index html.")
return indexHtmlCache
export async function ssr(
pageName: string,
props: any,
originalUrl: string,
vite?: ViteDevServer
) {
let page: Component | undefined = undefined
if (!isProd && !vite) {
throw Error("The vite parameter wasn't provided but is required in dev.")
const indexHtml = await loadIndexHtml(originalUrl, vite)
// Load page component.
if (isProd) {
const pages: Record<string, { default: Component }> = import.meta.glob(
'./pages/*.vue', { eager: true, import: 'default' }
page = pages[`./pages/${pageName}.vue`]
} else if (vite) {
page = (await vite.ssrLoadModule(
path.resolve(__dirname, `./pages/${pageName}.vue`), { fixStacktrace: true }
if (!page) {
throw new Error(`Page "${pageName}" not found.`)
// SSR render the page component and embed it into the index html.
const app = createSSRApp(page, props)
const pageHtml = await renderToString(app)
const html = indexHtml!
.replace(`<!--page-html-->`, pageHtml ?? '')
.replace(`<!--page-name-->`, `window.__PAGE_NAME__ = '${pageName}'`)
.replace(`<!--initial-state-->`, `window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = ${JSON.stringify(props)}`)
return html
import path from 'path'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
const PORT = process.env.PORT && parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 5173
const STATIC_URL = process.env.STATIC_URL || '/static/'
const __dirname = import.meta.dirname
export default defineConfig((config) => {
const buildTarget = process.env.BUILD_TARGET
// Common configuration used for both dev and building.
const baseConfig = {
plugins: [vue()],
resolve: {
alias: {
'@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src')
server: {
host: '',
port: PORT,
hmr: {
host: '',
// Build-specific options
if (buildTarget === 'client') {
return {
build: {
outDir: 'dist/client'
} else if (buildTarget === 'server') {
return {
publicDir: false,
build: {
ssr: 'src/server.ts',
outDir: 'dist/server',
} else {
return baseConfig
scripts section:
"scripts": {
"build:client": "BUILD_TARGET=client vite build",
"build:server": "BUILD_TARGET=server vite build",
"build": "pnpm build:client && pnpm build:server",
"dev": "nodemon --exec tsx src/server.ts --watch . --ignore dist --ignore logs --ignore node_modules",
"prod": "pnpm build && NODE_ENV=prod node dist/server/server.js"