With API Platform 3, I have a PHP entity called Report. I would like to offer two ways to retrieve a collection:
/reports: the standard URI generated by API Platform.
/admin/reports: an additional URI with a specific normalizationContext.
However, when I implement this code, I can only get one collection instead of both.
#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: ReportRepository::class)]
uriTemplate: '/admin/reports{._format}',
operations: [
new GetCollection(security: "is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')"),
new Get(security: "is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')"),
new Patch(security: "is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')"),
normalizationContext: [
AbstractNormalizer::GROUPS => ['Report:read:admin'],
denormalizationContext: [
AbstractNormalizer::GROUPS => ['Report:write:admin'],
order: ['createdAt' => 'DESC']
operations: [
new GetCollection(),
new Post(),
new Get(
security: 'object.getCreatedBy() == user',
controller: NotFoundAction::class,
read: false,
output: false
normalizationContext: [
AbstractNormalizer::GROUPS => ['Report:read'],
denormalizationContext: [
AbstractNormalizer::GROUPS => ['Report:write'],
order: ['createdAt' => 'DESC']
class Report
To achieve multiple collection URIs in API Platform 3, the key lies in configuring the resources correctly to allow both /reports and /admin/reports collections to coexist with different normalization contexts.
In your current setup, the issue is that you are defining two #[ApiResource] attributes on the same class, which API Platform interprets as conflicting configurations. To resolve this, you need to define different URIs with custom operations within a single #[ApiResource] declaration.
That’s what I understand. Feel free to correct me and explain if I’m assuming anything incorrectly.