I have this graph in R:
n <- 20
g <- sample_gnm(n, m = n * 2, directed = FALSE)
while (!is_connected(g)) {
# Find disconnected components
components <- components(g)
for (i in 2:components$no) {
from <- sample(which(components$membership == i), 1)
to <- sample(which(components$membership == 1), 1)
g <- add_edges(g, c(from, to))
g <- simplify(g, remove.multiple = FALSE, remove.loops = TRUE)
V(g)$weight <- runif(vcount(g))
layout <- layout_with_fr(g)
plot(g, layout = layout, edge.arrow.size = 0.1,
vertex.label = V(g)$name, vertex.size = 15,
vertex.label.color = "black", edge.curved = 0,
vertex.color = "white", edge.color = "black")
I have this R code that lists all the neighbors of each node:
get_neighbors <- function(graph, vertex) {
neighbors(graph, vertex)
neighbor_list <- list()
for (v in V(g)) {
neighbor_list[[as.character(v)]] <- get_neighbors(g, v)
for (v in names(neighbor_list)) {
cat("Neighbors of vertex", v, ":", neighbor_list[[v]], "\n")
Suppose I want to find out the first degree neighbors of each node starting from a specific node, e.g. (goes in order):
I have this function which lists the first degree neighbors of each node (starting from an initial node):
explore_first_degree_neighbors <- function(graph, start_node, max_steps = 5) {
visited <- vector("logical", vcount(graph))
queue <- c(start_node)
results <- list()
step <- 1
while (length(queue) > 0 && step <= max_steps) {
current_node <- queue[1]
queue <- queue[-1]
if (!visited[current_node]) {
visited[current_node] <- TRUE
neighbors <- as.numeric(neighbors(graph, current_node))
results[[as.character(current_node)]] <- neighbors
cat("Neighbors of node", current_node, ":", neighbors, "\n")
# Add unvisited neighbors to the queue
queue <- c(queue, neighbors[!visited[neighbors]])
step <- step + 1
start_node <- 16
max_steps <- 100
cat("Starting exploration from node", start_node, "for", max_steps, "steps:\n\n")
exploration_results <- explore_first_degree_neighbors(g, start_node, max_steps)
The results look like this:
Neighbors of node 16 : 6 19
Neighbors of node 6 : 9 14 16 19
Neighbors of node 19 : 4 6 16
Neighbors of node 9 : 1 5 6 11 17
Neighbors of node 14 : 4 5 6 8 11 12
Neighbors of node 4 : 3 8 10 14 15 17 19
Neighbors of node 1 : 3 5 8 9
Neighbors of node 5 : 1 2 8 9 14 20
Neighbors of node 11 : 9 10 13 14
Neighbors of node 17 : 2 3 4 7 9 18
Neighbors of node 8 : 1 4 5 14 15
Neighbors of node 12 : 7 14 15 20
Neighbors of node 3 : 1 4 17
Neighbors of node 10 : 2 4 7 11
Neighbors of node 15 : 2 4 8 12
Neighbors of node 2 : 5 10 15 17
Neighbors of node 20 : 5 12 13
Neighbors of node 13 : 11 20
Neighbors of node 7 : 10 12 17
Neighbors of node 18 : 17
The problem is that when I reach node 18, the function naturally stops (even though the maximum number of steps has still not been reached). I want to change this function so that when I encounter a boundary node (e.g. node 18) - the function will starting moving backwards and listing the neighbors in the other direction.
Can someone please suggest how I can modify this function to do this?
Probably this is what you are after
root <- "18"
\(k) {
ego(g, nodes = root, order = k, mindist = k)[[1]]
which gives
+ 1/20 vertex, from 77b07cd:
[1] 17
+ 5/20 vertices, from 77b07cd:
[1] 2 3 4 7 9
+ 10/20 vertices, from 77b07cd:
[1] 5 10 15 1 8 14 19 12 6 11
+ 3/20 vertices, from 77b07cd:
[1] 20 16 13