
Publish Failure Reporting Add or Build Definition File

Unable to publish a buildable and working .Net-based Logic App in VSCode. Am I missing a build definition in my project?

Why is this happening and how to resolve?

To publish, I should use the up arrow to publish to my Subscription/Tenant, but it shows Add Build Definition to Project instead.

Showing publish icon above subscription and tenant

When I click the button, I see a failed error message of {} instead of anything insightful.

Error popup that shows {} as an error

Even the report of an issue fails to know its context and sends me to a 404 page.

enter image description here


  • There are two types of extensions available in vs code for logic app development locally: 1. Consumption logic app extension 2. Standard logic app extension

    You don't need to publish it explicitly to Azure portal as while creating the Consumption logic app using the vs code extension, it will ask you to select the subscription and the resource group where it will get created. Hence, it will directly get created in Azure portal. You can visualize it in the portal.

    If you are making any changes to the logicapp.json file then save it. Once done, you will prompted to upload the changes to your Azure subscription.

    enter image description here

    In order to publish the logic app explicitly to Azure portal, you need to install Standard logic app extension and create a logic app workspace. You can publish it as shown below once you are done with the development.

    enter image description here


    Quickstart - Create integration workflows with Azure Logic Apps in Visual Studio Code - Azure Logic Apps | Microsoft Learn.